For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
EXCAVATING. The act of constructing an excavation.
EXCAVATION. The construction or maintenance of a hole in the earth’s surface more than 18 inches in depth (measured from the surface adjoining the excavation on any side thereof) or more than five feet in length or width.
EXCAVATOR. Any persons or entity holding themselves out as an EXCAVATOR or who engages in the business of removing or dislodging soil from the earth for hire, whether working as a contractor or subcontractor.
MINING. Excavating for the purpose of removing any rock, sand, gravel or any other aggregate or soil or soil products with the intent to not return them to the excavation so made.
(2004 Code, § 132.21) (Ord. 02-308, passed 5-28-2002; Ord. 03-352, passed 8-12-2003)