This chapter does not apply to units owned, operated or managed by a governmental entity or agency, hospital units or rooms, nursing homes, retirement homes or other similar rental space which
is otherwise registered by the state or the city if 100% of the units are agency inspected on a yearly basis.
(2004 Code, § 122.04) (Ord. 07-0482, passed 2-26-2008)
The first registration of property must be done by 5-1-2008. The city will annually mail registration renewal forms to rental unit owners or their designated local property managers on or about January 1 of each year. Completed registration renewal forms must be delivered to the City Administrator or his or her designee no later than March 1 of each year. Failure of the city to mail renewal forms and failure of an owner or local property manager to receive a renewal form, does not excuse or waive the registration required by this chapter.
(2004 Code, § 122.05) (Ord. 07-0482, passed 2-26-2008)
Every new owner of a rental unit, whether fee owner or contract purchases, shall furnish to the City Administrator or his or her designee the new owner’s name, address, phone number and fax number and the name, address, phone number and fax number of the new owner’s designated local property manager before taking possession of the rental property upon closing the transaction. No new registration fee is to be required of the new owner during the year in which such possession takes place; provided that, the previous owner has paid all registration fees and has complied with all requirements of this chapter, state law and corrected any violations of health, zoning, fire or safety codes of the city or state law. If any change in the type of occupancy as originally registered is contemplated by the new owner, a new registration application will be required.
(2004 Code, § 122.06) (Ord. 07-0482, passed 2-26-2008) Penalty, see § 122.99