(A) No person or entity may hereafter occupy, allow to be occupied or rent, lease, let or sublet a rental unit, to another person or entity for occupancy unless that rental unit is registered for occupancy pursuant to a valid and current rental unit registration issued by the City Administrator.
(B) Each rental unit must have an owner, or local property manager designated by the owner, who resides within 50 miles of the city.
(C) All rental agreements or leases used to rent, let, lease or sublet any rental unit to another person or entity for occupancy shall include and incorporate by reference, as a condition of the occupancy or tenancy, all of terms, provisions and requirements of §§ 122.07, 122.09 through 122.16 and 122.99 of this chapter. All tenants or other occupants under any rental agreements or leases used to rent, let lease or sublet any rental unit shall be provided a written notice that the terms of the rental agreement or lease include and incorporate all of the terms, provisions and requirements of §§ 122.07, 122.09 through 122.16 and 122.99 or this chapter and such written notice shall recite verbatim the terms, provisions and requirements of §§ 122.07, 122.09 through 122.16 and 122.99 of this chapter.
(D) Any person or entity desiring to rent, let, lease or sublet to another any rental unit shall apply for registration by using forms furnished by the Administrator for that purpose. The forms must provide information required by the Administrator, including the following:
(1) Name, address, phone number (and fax number, if owner has one) of the property owner;
(2) Name, address, phone number (and fax number, if manager has one) of a designated local property manger;
(3) The street address of the rental property;
(4) The number and types of units within the rental property (dwelling units or sleeping rooms);
(5) The maximum number of occupants permitted for each dwelling unit or sleeping room; and
(6) The name, phone number, fax number and address of the person authorized to make, or order, repairs or services for the property if in violation of city or state codes, if the person is different than the owner or local property manager.
(E) Registration holders shall provide a list of all residents in a particular rental unit to the City Administrator or his or her designee upon request.
(2004 Code, § 122.03) (Ord. 07-0482, passed 2-26-2008) Penalty, see § 122.99