   (A)   Establishment and composition.
      (1)   A Planning Commission is hereby established.
      (2)   The Planning Commission shall be composed of seven members of which six shall be residents of the city, but not members of a public body, who shall serve staggered five-year terms, and one member of the Council shall be appointed by the Mayor to serve terms expiring on March 31 of each year.
      (3)   The City Attorney shall be an ex-officio member.
   (B)   Powers and duties. The Planning Commission shall have all the powers and duties defined or granted in the state statutes and the city code relating to planning, zoning and subdivision regulation and shall act in an advisory capacity to the Council in all of these areas.
(2004 Code, § 31.21) (Ord. 97-189, passed 4-8-1997; Ord. 97-204, passed 8-26-1997; Ord. 12-0691, passed 7-10-2012)