   (A)   All board and commission appointments authorized by ordinance or resolution shall be made by the Mayor, and each appointment confirmed by the Council. The term of each appointee shall be established and stated at the time of his or her appointment. Except for the Economic Development Authority, no board or commission member shall be appointed to more than two consecutive full terms, exclusive of the fulfillment of an unexpired term or partial term previously served, but shall again be eligible for service following a break in service of not less than one year. New appointees shall assume office on the first day of the first month following their appointment and qualification, or on the first day of the first month following the expiration of the prior term and qualification, whichever shall occur last; provided, however, that, all appointees to boards and commissions shall hold office until their successor is appointed and qualified. All vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as for an expired term, but the appointment shall be only for the unexpired term.
   (B)   All appointed board and commission members shall serve without remuneration, but may be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the performance of their duties when those expenses have been authorized by the Council before they were incurred.
   (C)   The chair and the secretary shall be chosen from and by the board or commission membership annually to serve for one year; provided, however, that, no chair shall be elected who has not completed at least one year as a member of the board or commission.
   (D)   Any board or commission member may be removed by a four-fifths majority vote of the Council for misfeasance, malfeasance or non-feasance in office and his or her position filled as any other vacancy.
   (E)   Each board and commission shall hold its regular meeting at a time established by it.
   (F)   Except as otherwise provided, this section shall apply to all boards and commissions.
   (G)   All ex-officio members to city boards and commissions shall be non-voting members of the board or commission.
(2004 Code, § 31.20) (Ord. 09-0524, passed 4-28-2009; Ord. 12-0691, passed 7-10-2012)
   (A)   Establishment and composition.
      (1)   A Planning Commission is hereby established.
      (2)   The Planning Commission shall be composed of seven members of which six shall be residents of the city, but not members of a public body, who shall serve staggered five-year terms, and one member of the Council shall be appointed by the Mayor to serve terms expiring on March 31 of each year.
      (3)   The City Attorney shall be an ex-officio member.
   (B)   Powers and duties. The Planning Commission shall have all the powers and duties defined or granted in the state statutes and the city code relating to planning, zoning and subdivision regulation and shall act in an advisory capacity to the Council in all of these areas.
(2004 Code, § 31.21) (Ord. 97-189, passed 4-8-1997; Ord. 97-204, passed 8-26-1997; Ord. 12-0691, passed 7-10-2012)