No person shall engage in the practice of tattooing at any place within the city without complying with the following regulations.
(A) Every place where tattooing is done shall be equipped with a sewer and water connected toilet and hand basin or sink. The hand basin or sink shall be supplied with hot and cold running water under pressure, and shall be maintained in good working order at all times; it shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
(B) No person having any skin infection or other disease of the skin or any communicable disease shall be tattooed.
(C) All equipment, including needles, knell bars, tubes, pigment and receptacles, stencils, razors and razor blades, shall be kept in a dust-proof glass case when not in use.
(D) All needles and operating instruments shall be individually pre-packaged, pre-sterilized and disposable. No such equipment shall be used on more than one customer, but shall be discarded in a safe and sanitary manner after its first use.
(E) All bandages and surgical dressings used in connection with tattooing of any person shall be individually pre-packaged, pre-sterilized and disposable.
(F) Every person who practices tattooing shall wear clean, white colored, washable outer garments when engaged in the practice of tattooing.
(G) Every person who practices tattooing shall wash his or her hands thoroughly with soap and water and then dry them in a clean, unused towel before and after each tattooing. The customer’s skin shall also be thoroughly cleansed with soap and water and disinfected by an antiseptic solution before the use or application of any tattooing instrument or equipment.
(H) Whenever it is necessary to shave the skin, a safety razor must be used. A new blade must be used for each customer. The razor shall be cleaned with soap and water after each use and shall be kept in a closed case when not in use. All electric hair clippers shall be sanitized by a method approved by the Commissioner of Health.
(I) Pigments used in tattooing shall be sterile and free from bacterial and noxious agents and substances. The pigments used from stock solutions for each customer shall be placed in a single service receptacle and this receptacle and remaining solution shall be discarded in a safe and sanitary manner after use on each customer.
(J) Every person to be tattooed shall be asked whether he or she has had viral hepatitis in the preceding six months. No person suspected of presently having viral hepatitis or having had viral hepatitis within the last six months shall be tattooed without the written consent of a licensed physician.
(K) No place used for the practice of tattooing shall be used or occupied for living or sleeping quarters or for any purpose other than tattooing.
(L) There shall be a minimum of 150 square feet of floor space at the place where the practice of tattooing is conducted and the place shall be adequately ventilated and lighted. All tables, chairs and operating furniture shall be constructed of metal with white enamel or porcelain finish or stainless steel, and shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
(M) No person shall practice tattooing while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. No customer shall be tattooed while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
(N) A person tattooed shall be provided with written instructions on the approved care of the tattoo during the healing process.
(2004 Code, § 118.07) (Ord. 94-104, passed 3-8-1994) Penalty, see § 10.99