(A) Application for a hauler license shall be in writing and on a form as the City Council may specify from time to time, by ordinance, and shall be filed with the City Administrator.
(B) The application shall be accompanied by a license fee the amount of which shall be established by ordinance of the City Council.
(C) (1) All hauler licenses shall expire on December 31 of the effective year.
(2) Licenses shall not be transferable from one person, firm or corporation to another person, firm or corporation.
(D) The applicant shall file with the City Administrator, at the time of the filing of the application for a license, proof of public liability insurance on all vehicles in at least the sum of $250,000 for the injury of one person, $500,000 for the injury of two or more persons in the same accident and $100,000 for property damages.
(E) All these licenses shall be granted only upon condition that the licensee have water-tight, packer-type vehicles in good condition to prevent loss in transit of liquid or solid cargo, that the vehicle be kept clean and free from offensive odors, that the vehicle not be allowed to stand longer than reasonably necessary to collect garbage or refuse and that the same be dumped or unloaded only at the designated sanitary landfill, and strictly in accordance with regulations related thereto.
(F) The City Council, in the interest of maintaining health and sanitary conditions in the city, hereby reserves the right to specify and assign certain areas to all licensees and to limit the number of licenses issued. The City Council also reserves the right to limit hauling in residential areas to a single hauler or several haulers either by negotiation, by organized collection pursuant to M.S. § 115A.94, as it may be amended from time to time, or otherwise.
(2004 Code, § 117.18) (Ord. 92-57, passed 5-20-1992)