§ 117.17 EXCEPTION.
   (A)   Nothing in this subchapter shall prevent persons from hauling garbage or other refuse from their own business properties; provided, the following rules are observed:
      (1)   All garbage is hauled in containers that are water-tight on all sides and the bottom and with tight-fitting covers on top;
      (2)   All other refuse is hauled in vehicles with leak-proof bodies and completely covered or enclosed by canvas or other means or material so as to completely eliminate the possibility of loss of cargo; and
      (3)   All garbage and other refuse shall be dumped or unloaded only at the designated sanitary landfill.
   (B)   (1)   For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
         INCIDENTAL HAULING. The hauling of garbage, other refuse or mixed municipal solid waste four times or less per year.
      (2)   Incidental hauling shall be permitted even though the requirements of this section are not met so long as the garbage, other refuse or mixed municipal solid waste is transported to the designated sanitary landfill in a fashion so as to not create a nuisance or create a threat to the health and safety of the residents of the city.
(2004 Code, § 117.17) (Ord. 92-57, passed 5-20-1992)