For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
COLLECTION. The aggregation of waste from the place at which it was generated and including all activities up to the time when the waste is delivered to a waste facility.
CORRUGATED CARDBOARD. Heavy paper with alternating ridges and grooves for use in packing or boxing materials.
DESIGNATED LANDFILL. A landfill designated by the City Council for the city. In the absence of any designation by the City Council, a DESIGNATED LANDFILL includes any sanitary landfill duly licensed and authorized by the state which can legally accept garbage and other refuse from the city.
GARBAGE. All putrescible wastes, including animal offal and carcasses but excluding human excreta, sewage and other water-carried wastes. GARBAGE includes organic refuse resulting from the storage or preparation of food or decay or spoiled food from any source.
GENERATION. The act or process of producing waste as defined in M.S. § 115A.03(11), as it may be amended from time to time.
GENERATOR. Any person who generates waste as defined in M.S. § 115A.03(12), as it may be amended from time to time.
MIXED MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE. Garbage, refuse and other solid waste from residential, commercial, industrial and community activities which is generated and collected in the aggregate, but does not include auto hulks, street sweepings, ash, construction debris, mining waste, sludge, tree and agricultural wastes, tires and other materials collected, processed and disposed of in separate waste streams.
ORGANIC MATERIAL. Material consisting of grass clippings, leaves and other forms of organic garden waste.
OTHER REFUSE. Ashes, crockery, boxes and rags and similar non-putrescible waste, including glass, cans, paper and other recyclable materials, sand, earth, brick, stone, concrete, trees, tree branches and wood and construction materials.
RECYCLABLE MATERIAL. Materials that are separated from mixed municipal solid waste by the generator and which are intended for transportation, processing and remanufacture or reuse. RECYCLABLE MATERIALS may be further defined, from time to time, by resolution of the City Council.
RECYCLING. The process of collecting and preparing recyclable materials and reusing the materials in their original form or using them in manufacturing processes.
RESIDENTIAL. Shall consist of all buildings or structures containing four or less dwelling units.
(2004 Code, § 117.15) (Ord. 92-57, passed 5-20-1992)
No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the collecting, hauling or conveying of garbage, other refuse, mixed municipal solid waste or recyclable materials in the city unless a license has been applied for in the manner specified by this subchapter and approved by the City Council.
(2004 Code, § 117.16) (Ord. 92-57, passed 5-20-1992) Penalty, see § 10.99