(A)   Must use walks. Persons within the cemetery grounds shall use only the avenues, walks, alleys and roads.
   (B)   Trespassers on cemetery lots. Access by city employees or agents in the maintenance of cemetery lots is not considered trespassing. Only the lot owner and his or her relatives shall be permitted on cemetery lots. Any other person thereon shall be considered a trespasser, and the city shall owe no duty to the trespasser to keep the property, or the memorial thereon, in a reasonably safe condition.
   (C)   Children. Children shall not be permitted within the cemetery, or its buildings, unless accompanied by a responsible adult.
   (D)   Flowers and the like. All persons are prohibited from gathering flowers, either cut or wild, or disturbing trees, shrubbery or plants, or feeding or disturbing birds or wildlife.
   (E)   Refreshments. No person shall be permitted to have refreshments within the cemetery except as authorized by the city.
   (F)   Loitering prohibited. Persons shall not be permitted to loiter in the cemetery.
   (G)   Loud talking. Boisterous or unseemly conduct shall not be permitted in the cemetery.
   (H)   Littering. Littering at the cemetery is prohibited. All waste shall be disposed of in appropriate receptacles.
   (I)   Automobiles. Automobiles, including motorcycles and all other licensed vehicles, shall not be driven through the grounds at speeds greater than 15 m.p.h. and must always be kept on the right side of the cemetery roadways. Automobiles are not allowed to park or to come to a full stop in front of an open grave unless those automobiles are in attendance at the funeral. Automobiles must stay on roadways and are not allowed on lawn areas.
   (J)   Recreational vehicles. No motorized recreational vehicles, including but not limited to, motorized scooters, snowmobiles, motorized carts, all-terrain and off-road vehicles or other similar recreational vehicles shall be admitted to the cemetery, except those as may be in attendance at funerals or on business. This section shall not apply to any vehicle designed specifically for personal mobility.
   (K)   Peddling or soliciting. Peddling of flowers or plants, or soliciting the sale of any commodity, is prohibited within the cemetery without the approval of the city. Violation of these rules and regulations may result in dismissal from cemetery property.
   (L)   Firearms. No firearms shall be permitted within the cemetery, except on special permit from the city, or at a military or veteran funeral.
   (M)   Notices and advertisements. No signs, notices or advertisements of any kind shall be allowed in the cemetery unless placed by the city.
   (N)   Pets. Pets shall not be allowed on the cemetery grounds or in any of the buildings.
   (O)   Hours. The cemetery grounds shall remain open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and at other times by special arrangements.
   (P)   Improprieties. There shall be observance of all proprieties at the cemetery, whether embraced in these rules and regulations or not. Improprieties shall not be allowed, and the city shall prevent improper behaviors and assemblages.
   (Q)   City to enforce rules. Employees are hereby empowered to enforce all ordinances, and to exclude from the cemetery any person violating the same. Employees shall have charge of cemetery grounds and buildings and, at all times, shall supervise and maintain control of all persons at the cemetery, including the conduct of funerals, traffic, employees, lot owners and visitors.
(2004 Code, § 94.40) (Ord. 735, passed 4-11-1986; Ord. 05-0412, passed 8-23-2005; Ord. 13-702, passed 1-22-2013; Ord. 22-830, passed 7-26-2022) Penalty, see § 10.99