(A)   Animal pound.
      (1)   Any animal found in the city without a license tag, running at large or otherwise in violation of this subchapter shall be placed in the animal pound, and an accurate record of the time of placement shall be kept on each animal. Any Animal Control Officer or police officer may impound any dog or other animal found unlicensed or any animal found running at large and shall give notice of the impounding to the owner of the dog or other animal, if known. All animals conveyed to the pound shall be kept, with humane treatment and sufficient food and water for their comfort, at least five regular business days, unless the animal is a dangerous animal in which case it shall be kept for seven regular business days or the times specified, and except if the animal is a cruelly-treated animal in which case it shall be kept for ten regular business days, unless sooner reclaimed by their owners or keepers as provided by this section. In case the owner or keeper shall desire to reclaim the animal from the pound, the following shall be required, unless otherwise provided for in this code or established from time to time by resolution of the City Council:
         (a)   Payment of the release fee and receipt of a release permit as established by ordinance, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time;
         (b)   Payment of maintenance costs, as provided by the pound, per day or any part of day while animal is in the pound; and
         (c)   If a dog is unlicensed, payment of a regular license fee as established by ordinance, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time, and valid certificate of vaccination for rabies and distemper shots is required.
      (2)   For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
         REGULAR BUSINESS DAY. One during which the pound is open for business to the public for at least four hours between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
      (3)   Impoundment records shall be preserved for at least three months and shall show:
         (a)   The description of the animal by species, breed, sex, approximate age and other distinguishing traits;
         (b)   The location at which the animal was seized;
         (c)   The date of seizure;
         (d)   The name and address of the person from whom any animal three months of age or over was received; and
         (e)   The name and address of the person to whom any animal three months of age or over was transferred.
      (4)   If unclaimed, the animal shall be humanely destroyed and the carcass disposed of, unless it is requested by a licensed educational or scientific institution as authorized by state law. Provided, however, that if a tag affixed to the animal, or a statement by the animal’s owner after seizure specifies that the animal should not be used for research, the animal shall not be made available to any of this type of institution but may be destroyed after the expiration of the five-day period.
   (B)   Notice of impounding. Upon the impounding of any animal, the owner shall be notified by the most expedient means.
   (C)   Release from animal pound. Animals shall be released to their owners, as follows:
      (1)   If the animal is owned by a resident of the city, after purchase of a license, if unlicensed, and payment of the impounding fee, maintenance and immunization fee; or
      (2)   If the animal is owned by a person not a resident of the city, after immunization of the animal for rabies, and payment of the impounding fee and maintenance.
(2004 Code, § 93.21) (Ord. 13-0705, passed 4-9-2013) Penalty, see § 10.99