   (A)   Except for a state licensed humane society, no household shall own, harbor, keep or have custody of a combination of more than seven animals, no more than three of which may be dogs over six months.
   (B)   These limits shall not apply to households exceeding these limits at the time of enactment of this chapter; provided that, all animals in the household are licensed with the Police Department within 90 days of the enactment of this chapter. No person affected by this section shall be permitted to acquire any additional cats and/or dogs to replace any cats or dogs in excess of the maximum limits set in this section.
   (C)   New residents to the city shall have 90 days from the start of their residency to gain compliance with this section.
   (D)   This section shall not be construed to limit the ability of apartment managers, landlords, town home associations or other representatives of property owners to impose greater restrictions.
   (E)   (1)   Households providing rescue or foster care for a state licensed humane society or recognized rescue program may harbor or have in custody up to two additional dogs or cats, or a combination not exceeding two; provided, a permit is obtained through the city.
      (2)   Households that possess animals in excess of the limitations set forth above for reason of fostering animals for a deployed armed services member will be exempt from the maximum limits set forth above. Proof of ownership and deployment will be required. Other exceptions due to extraordinary circumstances may be approved by the Animal Control Officer on a case-by-case basis.
(2004 Code, § 93.17) (Ord. 13-0705, passed 4-9-2013)