§ 54.022 DURATION.
   Approval of any plan submitted under the provisions of this chapter shall expire one year after the date of approval unless construction has commenced in accordance with the plan. However, if prior to the expiration of approval, the applicant makes a written request to the City Engineer for an extension of time to commence construction setting forth the reasons for the requested extension, the City Engineer may grant one extension of not greater than one year. The City Engineer shall acknowledge receipt of any request for an extension and shall make a decision on the extension within 30 days of receipt. Any expired and/or revised plan may be resubmitted following the same procedure for an original approval. Any denied or expired plan may be resubmitted with additional information addressing the concerns contained within the denial. The resubmitted application shall be subject to the applicable review timelines.
(2004 Code, § 54.12) (Ord. 07-0462, passed 4-24-2007)