(A)   It is unlawful for any person to smoke or use cannabis or tobacco products or electronic delivery devices (e-cigarettes, e-pipes, vape pens, etc.) within 25 feet of any city playground or within the confines of Tartan Park (which includes the terrain park, skate park and north ball field), Veterans Memorial Field, the ball field areas at Roberts Park, Riverside Park. Northwoods Park and VFW Park and the Hutchinson Aquatic Center. This also includes spectator areas, concession stands and restrooms at these facilities. Except for Tartan Park, parking lots adjacent to the facilities listed in this section are exempt from the rules of this section unless use of such products and devices are closer than 25 feet from any entrance, walkway, or spectator area.
   (B)   The use of smokeless tobacco by participants in sponsored adult games/events at Veterans Memorial Field and Roberts Park shall be allowed during games/events.
(Ord. 19-793, passed 2-26-2019; Ord. 19-798, passed 4-9-2019; Ord. 23-838, passed 4-11-2023; Ord. 23-842, passed 9-26-2023)