(A)   Establishment. A Sustainability Advisory Board is hereby established.
   (B)   Purpose. The purpose of the Sustainability Advisory Board shall include, but is not limited to:
      (1)   Advise and make recommendations to the City Council and identify the highest priorities for city government and citizens to achieve sustainable management of natural resources - water, urban forests, and energy in particular - and shall recommend to the City Council goals to achieve and workable means to reach such goals.
      (2)   Provide input to the City Council and city staff as to the continued use and environmentally-friendly manufacturing of compost and other products produced at Creekside Soils, the city's composting facility.
      (3)   To help oversee the city's urban forest tree program and to review and make recommendations as to the present and future needs of the city's urban forest and to make recommendations as to tree management, including amendments to the this Code.
      (4)   To advise the City Council as to resource and energy reduction measures in city buildings and operations.
      (5)   To promote the city's continued participation in programs such as Tree City USA, GreenStep Cities, and the SolSmart Designation.
   (C)   Appointment and Board composition.
      (1)   The Board shall consist of up to five members who are appointed by the Mayor, subject to ratification by the City Council. One of the Board members shall be a City Council Member and, additionally, one of the Board members may be a member of the Utilities Commission. All remaining Board members are "at-large" members.
      (2)   At-large members shall serve three-year terms but may be appointed for periods of less than three years in order to achieve staggered appointments at the establishment of the Board or due to member resignation or removal. City Council and Utility Commission appointments shall be for one-year terms.
      (3)   One at-large member may be a non-resident of the city.
      (4)   The City Administrator, the city's Project/Environmental/Regulatory Manager, and the Compost Manager shall be ex officio, nonvoting, members of the Board.
(Ord. 19-794, passed 3-26-2019)