(A)   All original applications for licenses, unless otherwise specifically provided, shall be made to the City of Hurstbourne in writing upon forms to be furnished by the city and shall contain:
      (1)   Name of applicant and of each officer, partner, or business associate;
      (2)   Parent company, corporation name (if different than applicant name);
      (3)   Present occupation and local site address of business;
      (4)   Primary corporate/business address;
      (5)   Nature or type of intended business or enterprise;
      (6)   Period of time for which license is desired;
      (7)   Description of the merchandise to be sold, if for a vendor;
      (8)   Such other information concerning applicant and business as may be reasonable and proper, having regard to the nature of the license desired.
   (B)   Renewal of an annual license may be granted to a licensee in good standing upon the original application, unless otherwise provided.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful knowingly to make any false statement or representation in the license application.
(Ord. 11-07, passed 6-14-11; Am. Ord. 13-01, passed 2-26-13; Am. Ord. 17-5, passed 10-10-17)