EDITOR’S NOTE: Pursuant to Ordinance 2010-29, passed August 10, 2010, the City has entered into an agreement with the Regional Income Tax Agency (R.I.T.A.) for comprehensive tax collection services.
185.01 Authority to levy tax; purpose of tax.
185.02 Definitions.
185.03 Imposition of tax.
185.04 Collection at source.
185.05 Annual return; filing.
185.06 Credit for tax paid to other municipalities.
185.07 Estimated taxes.
185.08 Rounding of amounts.
185.09 Requests for refunds.
185.10 Second municipality imposing tax after time period allowed for refund.
185.11 Amended returns.
185.12 Limitations.
185.13 Audits.
185.14 Service of assessment.
185.15 Administration of claims.
185.16 Tax information confidential.
185.17 Fraud.
185.18 Interest and penalties.
185.19 Authority of Tax Administrator; verification of information.
185.20 Request for opinion of the Tax Administrator.
185.21 Board of Tax Review.
185.22 Authority to create rules and regulations.
185.23 Reserved.
185.24 Savings clause.
185.25 Collection of tax after termination of levy.
185.26 Adoption of RITA Rules and Regulations.
185.99 Violations; penalties.
Tax levies - see CHTR. §6.04
Tax anticipation notes - see CHTR. §9.04
Payroll deductions - see Ohio R.C. 9.42
Municipal income taxes - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 718
State income tax - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 5747
Division of Income Taxation - see ADM. Ch. 137
(A) To provide funds for the purposes of general municipal operations and services, maintenance, new equipment, extension and enlargement of municipal services and facilities, permanent improvements, and capital improvements, the Municipality hereby levies an annual tax on the income of every person residing in or earning or receiving income in the Municipality as measured by each such person's municipal taxable income, all as hereinafter provided.
(B) (1) The annual tax is levied at a rate of 1% (one percent). The tax is levied at a uniform rate on all persons residing in or earning or receiving income in the Municipality. The tax is levied on municipal taxable income as hereinafter provided in Section 185.03 of this Chapter and other sections as they may apply.
(2) The funds collected under the provisions of this Chapter 185 shall be applied for the following purposes and in the following order: (i) such part thereof as is necessary to defray all costs of collecting the taxes levied by this Chapter and the cost of administering and enforcing the provisions hereof; (ii) after providing for the allocation of funds set forth in division (B)(2)(i) of this Section, funds shall be set aside, appropriated and paid into the General Bond Retirement Fund or another fund specified by ordinance of the Council, in an amount equal to the annual principal and interest payments due (within that year) on all bonds, notes or other obligations for which income tax revenues have been pledged; (iii) after providing for the allocation of funds set forth in division (B)(2)(i) and (ii) of this Section, not less than seven percent (7%) of the remaining funds shall be set aside, appropriated and paid into the Capital Improvement Fund; and (iv) after providing for the allocation of funds set forth in division (B)(2)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this Section, the balance of the funds remaining shall be used for any purpose as may be determined by ordinance of the Council.
(C) The taxes levied under this Chapter 185 shall be levied in accordance with the provisions and limitations set forth in Chapter 718 of the Ohio Revised Code to the fullest extent required for the Municipality to continue to levy those taxes. The required provisions and limitations of Chapter 718 of the Ohio Revised Code are hereby incorporated into this Chapter 185, and those required provisions or limitations of Chapter 718 of the Ohio Revised Code shall control to the extent there is a conflict between a provision or limitation of this Chapter 185 and an express provision or limitation of Chapter 718 of the Ohio Revised Code.
(D) As used herein, all references in this Chapter 185 to provisions or limitations of Chapter 718 of the Ohio Revised Code and to any Section of that Chapter 718 shall include those provisions or limitations of that Chapter or Section as in effect on January 1, 2016, of any successor statute, and of any subsequent amendment to that Chapter or Section or a successor statute in effect from time to time to the fullest possible extent required for the Municipality to continue to levy the taxes specified under this Chapter 185. All references in this Chapter 185 to "ORC" are to the Ohio Revised Code.
(Ord. 2015-30. Passed 11-10-15.)