(a) Purpose. To establish regulations for the safe and effective development for commercial self-service and mini-storage facilities and the operations permitted herein.
(b) Applicability. The development regulations established within this chapter are applicable to the following development criteria:
(1) A facility, building, or group of buildings where secured areas or self-contained units within the structure are rented, leased, or sold to individuals for storage of personal goods and other non-hazardous durable goods or wares.
(c) Location. The following regulations shall be used to regulate the location of commercial storage facilities:
(1) Commercial self-service and mini-storage facilities are permitted within any Industrial district within the city. In addition, no building within a storage development may be within 500 ft. of the district line of any residentially zoned district.
(2) If a proposed building would be within five-hundred (500) feet of a residential district, but is divided by either a Limited Access highway Right-of-Way or Railroad Right-of-Way, the five-hundred (500) feet restriction is waived.
(d) Development Standards. Buildings within a commercial storage development must adhere to the following design standards:
(1) Setbacks.
A. No building may be placed closer to any side lot line than fifteen (15'). The Fire Department may, upon review, require the side setback to be increased for placement of an emergency fire access lane.
B. No building may be placed closer than thirty (30) feet to any front lot line.
C. No building may be placed closer than thirty (30) feet to any rear lot line.
(2) Building Height. No building shall exceed 35 feet in height.
(3) Parking.
A. All parking spaces and drive aisles shall be designed in conformance with the dimension and building material requirements within Section 1133 Off Street Parking.
B. Parking areas may be no closer than 5 feet to the front property line. Any space between a parking area and the front lot line must be appropriately landscaped and screened in accordance with applicable regulations.
C. Parking areas may have a zero (0) ft. setback on any rear or side property line.
D. There shall be a minimum of one (1) parking space for every 1,000 square feet of ground floor area.
(4) Site Requirements.
A. No development site shall be less than 2 acres.
B. No more than 50% of the area of the site shall house structures or buildings above average grade elevation. No more than 75% of the site shall be developed with additional site amenities excluding landscaping.
(5) Utilities. Units less than 500 square feet in total ground floor area shall not be permitted to have plumbing hookups within each individual unit.
(6) Lighting. All lights shall be shielded to direct light onto the established buildings and away from adjacent property, but may be of sufficient intensity to discourage vandalism and theft. All lights shall be mounted at a height not exceeding that of the building.
(e) Permitted Uses. Facilities may be used for the storage of personal goods and other non-hazardous durable goods or wares. Additional accessory uses may include the (1) sale of merchandise ancillary to storage business (such as moving supplies, locks, etc.) when operated by the company, corporation, or owner of the facility, (2) the renting or leasing of moving trucks; and, (3) establishing a satellite United States Postal Services or other consumer mail shipping/receiving services (UPS, Fed-Ex, etc.) within such facilities. No land, structure, or building shall be used for any of the following:
(1) Residential uses of any kind.
(2) Any commercial activity other than that explicitly permitted within this section.
(3) Storage of potentially hazardous materials.
(4) Exterior storage of any kind, except for recreation vehicles and trailered/dry-docked watercraft. Any exterior storage areas must be kept in a neat orderly fashion and must be screened on any side facing a property line. Screening must consist of solid block wall, opaque fencing, decorative stone, or a combination of fencing and dense landscaping. The screen must be a minimum of six (6) feet in height.
(f) Inspection. The Fire Department and Building Department shall have access to inspect the premises upon reasonable notification of the property owner. Any development shall be subject to inspection by the Fire Department and Building Department on a regular basis to ensure compliance with these and other city ordinances.
(g) Lease/Rental Agreement. Any lease or rental agreement between the property owner and lessee shall reference the existence of these and other pertinent City ordinances. Violations of any portion of this section may be served upon lessee, tenant, and/or owner of the property in question. (Ord. 2017-10. Passed 4-25-17.)