Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations
1133.01   Purpose.
1133.02   Determination of required off-street parking spaces.
1133.03   Number of parking spaces required.
1133.04   Electric automobile charging stations.
1133.05   Off-street stacking spaces for drive-thru facilities.
1133.06   Required short-term bicycle parking spaces.
1133.07   Allowance for shared parking.
1133.08   Modification of minimum parking requirements.
1133.09   Parking maximums.
1133.10   Land banked for future parking.
1133.11   Location of required parking spaces.
1133.12   Off-street loading spaces required.
1133.13   Access drives in Commercial Districts.
1133.14   Non-residential joint use driveways and cross-access easements.
1133.15   Single-family and two-family residential driveways.
1133.16   Improvement and maintenance standards.
1133.17   Trailer parking.
1133.18   Exceptions to off-street parking requirements in Business District.
      Conformance with Performance Standards - see P. & Z. Chap. 1121.06
      Nonconformity - see P. & Z. Chap 1121.07
      Residence Districts - see P. & Z. Chap. 1123
      Non-residence Districts - see P. & Z. Chap. 1125
      Mixed-Use Districts - see P. & Z. Chap. 1127
      Signage Regulations - see P. & Z. Chap. 1129
      Landscape Requirements - see P. & Z. Chap. 1131
1133.01 PURPOSE.
   Off-street parking regulations are established in order to promote the overall vitality of the community through achieving various objectives, including:
   (a)    Promoting the general convenience, welfare and prosperity of existing and future developments;
   (b)   Relieving congestion on City streets by promoting alternative modes of transportation, ensuring orderly movement of traffic, and increasing safety; and,
   (c)   Providing adequate, but not excessive off-street parking to minimize the negative impacts that result from large expanses of paved parking areas.
      (Ord. 2015-10. Passed 8-25-15.)