Building Standards, Lot Standards, and Setback Requirement for the Mixed-Use Riverfront District:
Building Standards: MU-RFD Schedule 1127.07 | |
District Standards | |
District size, min. (acres) | N/A |
Lot Standards | |
Lot area, min. (sq. ft.) | N/A |
Lot area, max. (sq. ft.) | N/A |
Lot frontage, min. (ft.) | 30 |
Lot coverage, min. (%) | 60% |
Lot coverage, max. (%) | 100% |
Setback | |
Front, min. (ft.) | 0 |
Front, max. (ft.) | 10 |
Side, min. (ft.) | 0 |
Side, max. (ft.) | 5 |
Rear, min. (ft.) | 0 |
Rear, min. (ft.) when abutting R zoned district | 20 |
Building Standards | |
Height, max. (ft.) | 60 ft. Height may not exceed 45 feet for lots adjacent Residential zoned districts |
Gross Floor Area Maximum per commercial use, Commercial (sq. ft.) | 7,500 |
Minimum sq. ft. per residential unit | 700 |
Note: Residential adjacency standards apply and may affect setback and building height design features. | |
(a) Building Siting and Orientation. The following shall apply to building siting and orientation requirements within this district:
(1) Residential use. The front wall of the principal structure shall be parallel to the street, or parallel to a radius of the curve of the street, if the street is curved.
(2) Residential use, corner lot. The principal residential entrance to the structure shall face one of streets that the lot abuts. One side of the building shall be designated as the front, and shall be subject to the building design guidelines within this chapter.
(3) Commercial. Buildings shall maintain a continuous wall plane at the front property line. Architectural features may project beyond the allowable setback by up to three (3) feet at a minimum height of twelve (12) feet above the sidewalk. The front wall of the principal structure shall be parallel to the street, or parallel to a radius of the curve of the street, if the street is curved.
(4) Buildings located at street intersections. When located at an area noted on the Thoroughfare Map as important pedestrian or automobile entry points, the project shall employ distinctive architectural features and site design features to distinguish these areas.
(5) Screening from Residential Property. Screening along rear and side lot lines abutting residential properties is required, consistent with Chapter 1131 Landscape Requirements.
(6) Entrance Orientation. The primary building entrances shall be oriented to the abutting public street. Additional entrances may be oriented to a secondary street or parking area. If the development abuts multiple public streets, an entrance may be placed fronting each. Entrances shall be clearly visible and identifiable from the street and delineated with elements such as roof overhangs, recessed entries, landscaping, and/or similar design features.
(b) Uses. Permitted, conditional, and accessory uses may occur within each building type as specified in Appendix A, Permitted Uses.
(c) Parking. The Mixed Use Riverfront District is intended to have a higher density of development and therefore strongly encourages the most productive use of land within the district. Because of the unique conditions of the lots within this district, provision of off-street parking in the manner prescribed under Chapter 1133 Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations would result in undesirable land use. Therefore, the following regulations apply for the provision of off-street parking within the MU - RFD:
(1) Requirements. No off-street parking is required for nonresidential uses within the MU - RFD, unless such use exceeds 2,500 square feet of net floor area, in which case off-street parking must be provided for only the floor area in excess of 2,000 square feet of net floor area at a rate of 75% of the required amount per Chapter 1133 Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations.
(2) Location. Surface parking shall not be located between the front façade of a building and the abutting street. Parking areas, shall be located on the rear or side of the building, except in the event that the frontage of a developable lot is separated from the public or private street by a pre-existing parking surface that contains access to a public or private street. In the event that the proposed project backs up to the Riverfront, parking should be kept on the side of the building.
(3) Shared. A district-wide approach to off-street parking for nonresidential uses is preferred within this district. Off-street parking for these uses may be located up to three hundred (300) feet away from the principal entrance. Off-street structured parking may be located up to five hundred (500) feet away from the principal entrance. If multiple principal buildings are part of one General Development Concept, each use shall be considered separately for calculation of parking required. One main parking surface area can be used to provide parking for each use within the General Development Concept. Finally, on-street parking may be used in the calculation of required parking if the space is within two-hundred (200) feet of the principal entrance of the building.
(4) Bicycle Parking. All uses listed within Appendix A, Permitted Uses are required to include short-term bicycle parking facilities, unless already installed by the City. One (1) space per five-hundred (500) square feet of gross floor area for commercial uses must be provided in conjunction with the following regulations:
(A) All required bicycle spaces must be located on the same lot. The property owner may also make arrangements with the City to place bike parking spaces in the public right-of-way, pending approval of the Planning Commission.
(B) The bicycle parking spaces must be convenient to building entrances and street access, but may not interfere with normal pedestrian and vehicle traffic. For passive security purposes, the bike parking shall be well-lit and clearly visible to building occupants or clearly visible from the street.
(C) Bicyclists must not be required to travel over stairs or other obstacles to access bicycle parking.
(D) Short-term bicycle parking spaces must be located no more than fifty (50) feet from the principal building entrance and at the same grade as the sidewalk or other pedestrian accessible routes.
(d) Signs.
(1) The installation and maintenance of signage shall be done in accordance with Chapter 1129 Sign Regulations and the provisions this section. Additional signage regulations for this district include the following:
(A) Pole signs are prohibited.
(B) Wall and projecting signs are encouraged. Projecting signs may be up to six (6) feet in height on one-story buildings and twelve (12) feet in height on two (2) or more story buildings. Signs must not project further than three (3) feet from the part of the building the sign is affixed to. All projecting signs shall be placed so that the base of the sign is at least twelve ten 12 10 feet above ground level, except when the projecting sign is located above a landscaped area or other area that does not permit pedestrian or vehicular traffic beneath the sign, in which case the sign must be placed so that the base of the sign is at least six (6) feet above ground level.
(C) Signs may only have external illumination.
(D) Temporary business signs may be utilized within this district. freestanding by weight of at least thirty-five (35) pounds, and is limited to two (2) sides, with no side exceeding eight (8) square feet in size. The signs may be utilized for advertising during business hours. Temporary business signs shall not be placed in the public right-of-way without approval of the city.
(e) Landscaping, Screening, and Buffering.
(1) Landscaping is generally difficult due to the unique circumstances within this district and requirements for the same are therefore limited. Landscaping will generally be included as part of the City's streetscape along Main Street.
(3) Any open area between the building and the public right-of-way not dedicated for walkways or access lanes, must have plant or ground cover at a minimum.
(f) Building Façade.
(1) All facades of any building in this district facing a public right-of-way shall have glazing areas, equal to or greater than sixty percent (60%) of the facade area (measured using the total area below the second floor).
(2) Excluding the end wall of residential floors, for all upper floors, all facades facing a public-right-of-way of every building shall have glazed areas equal to thirty-five percent (35%) of the total area of the front facade, with each floor being calculated independently.
(g) Sidewalks and Pedestrian Amenities.
(1) Sidewalks the width of the public right-of-way shall be included along the entire width of the site frontage along any public street classified as downtown core per the City's adopted Thoroughfare Plan. Sidewalks five (5) feet in width shall be provided along any street or alley not classified as a downtown core public street.
(2) Pedestrian walkways shall be designed to be visually attractive and distinguishable from driving surfaces through use of durable, low-maintenance surface materials such as pavers, brick, or concrete.
(3) To the maximum extent possible, provisions shall be made for connections with existing pedestrian systems on adjoining properties, including sidewalks, bikeways, walkways or other modes of pedestrian traffic.
(h) Curb Cuts and Access Points. Curb Cuts and Access Points shall be placed in a way as to not disrupt pedestrian traffic and pose possible pedestrian safety conflicts. Curb cuts and access points shall be limited to as few as necessary within this district.
(i) Outdoor Displays. Outdoor displays for merchandise are generally permitted within this district. Displays are limited in size and location. Any structure or display shall not impede with fluid and safe pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The structure shall not exceed five (5) feet in height nor shall it be closer than four (4) feet to the nearest curb as to maintain a clear path for pedestrians. Additionally, outdoor displays shall not be placed within twenty (20) feet of the point of intersection of the right-of-way lines of any street intersection to avoid potential sight-line issues for pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The display shall not encompass more than ten percent (10%) of the building's street frontage. Outdoor displays may only be setup between the hours of 8 AM and midnight. Design standards and placement are subject to administrative approval by the Zoning Inspector.
(Ord. 2015-7. Passed 8-25-15.)