1351.01 Title, purpose and application of terms.
1351.02 Bathroom.
1351.03 Basement.
1351.04 Cellar.
1351.05 Dwellings.
1351.06 Dwelling unit.
1351.07 Extermination.
1351.08 Garbage.
1351.09 Habitable room.
1351.10 Health Commissioner.
1351.11 Housing Inspector.
1351.12 Infestation.
1351.13 Occupant.
1351.14 Operator.
1351.15 Owner.
1351.16 Person.
1351.17 Plumbing.
1351.18 Rooming unit.
1351.19 Rubbish.
1351.20 Safe load.
1351.21 Supplied.