Design Review Regulations
1141.01    Purpose.
1141.02    Definitions.
1141.03    Reserved.
1141.04    Powers and duties of the Planning Commission relating to Design Review.
1141.05    Triggering mechanism.
1141.06    Reserved.
1141.07   Reserved.
1141.08   Final decision.
1141.09    Minimum maintenance requirements.
1141.10    Exclusions.
1141.99    Penalty.
1141.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this Chapter is to establish procedures whereby buildings, structures, and signage are reviewed for architectural design features and neighborhood compatibility. This Chapter is in effect for all buildings and structures, except for one and two-family dwellings and their surrounding property and accessory uses throughout the City limits.
(Ord. 2021-36. Passed 10-26-21.)
   The following definitions shall apply only to the provisions of this Chapter 1141 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Huron (hereinafter referred to as the "City"):
   (a)   "Alter or alteration" means any material change in an external architectural feature of any building or structure which lies within the corporate limits of the City, including demolition, removal, construction, modification to existing signage, placement of new signage, roofs, windows, siding, awnings/canopies, additions, and doors/entrances; but not including the landscaping of real property. Repainting a structure the same color and color scheme as existed immediately prior to such repainting shall not constitute an alteration for purposes of this Chapter.
   (b)   "Applicant" means any owner, owners, person(s), association, partnership, company, or corporation who applies for a zoning and/or building permit in order to undertake any alteration on a building or structure subject to this Chapter.
   (c)   "External architectural feature" means the architectural style, general design and arrangement of the exterior of a structure, including, but not limited to, the type, color (for new construction and rehabilitation), and texture of the building material, doors, windows, roof, porches and other appurtenant fixtures.
   (d)   "Buildings and/or structures" means all buildings and/or structures, with the exception of one and two-family dwellings, and their accessory buildings and/or structures.
   (e)   "Council" means the Huron City Council.
      (Ord. 2021-36. Passed 10-26-21.)