Materials. Manholes shall conform as specified herein and shall conform to Item 604 of the Standard Specifications of the State of Ohio, Department of Transportation, latest edition. Brick and masonry shall conform to Sec. 704 and precast reinforced manholes shall conform to Sec. 706.13.
   Mortar for joints shall be proportioned of one part by volume of Portland cement and two parts of clean, coarse, screened sand, thoroughly mixed dry, and with sufficient water slowly added, after dry mixing, to give proper consistency. A maximum of five percent by volume of hydrated lime may be added to the mortar. The construction of manholes shall conform to the Standard Specifications or as directed by the City Engineer.
   Construction. The walls of brick manholes above the concrete bottom section shall be built of brick laid in Portland cement mortar, with bricks arranged radially as "headers" forming a wall line nine inches thick for depth to ten feet below the bottom of the manhole rim and wall thirteen inches thick for depth below ten feet and to the top of the concrete bottom section. All the brick composing such manholes shall be laid in a full bed of mortar with no joints appearing on the inner surface of the manholes exceeding one-half inch in thickness. The joints shall be neatly pointed and struck on the inside of the manholes.
   Whole brick only shall be used except to effect closures and to "chink" in the exterior radial joints. Each sixth course shall be laid as "stretchers", the intervening course being composed of "headers". The upper part of the manholes shall be "domed", starting at an elevation indicated on the drawing and "drawing in" evenly to such diameter as will receive the casting.
   The top of the wall of all manholes shall be properly leveled off with mortar, so as to form a flat surface upon which the manhole rim is to rest, and manholes shall be carried to such height above the sewer as shown or as ordered.
   The entire outer surface of manholes shall be plastered with a smooth coating of Portland cement mortar, at least one-half inch thick. Inner surfaces of manholes shall not be required to be plastered, but all joints must be properly pointed up.
   Steps. Manhole steps shall be of cast iron and shall be equal to Clow Figure F-3650 or Neenah Foundry Catalog R-1980-E. The steps shall be built into the brick masonry of the manholes. The uppermost step shall be built into the masonry not over fifteen inches below the top of the cast iron manhole rim and these steps shall be continued downward at fifteen-inch centers to the bottom of the brick work.
   Rims and Covers. Standard cast iron manhole rims and covers for use on brick manholes shall be equal to R-1726 Neenah Foundry Company, with reinforced nonperforated cover, rim cover to weigh not less than 350 pounds. Bearing surfaces for cover shall be machined.
(Ord. 1961-3. Passed 7-31-61.)