TITLE ONE - Building Administration
Chap. 1301. Enforcement; Penalty.
Chap. 1303. Permits; Plans and Specifications.
Chap. 1305. Certificates of Inspection and Compliance.
Chap. 1307. Registration of Prime Contractors.
Chap. 1309. Architectural Design Control Procedures.
TITLE THREE - Building Regulations
Chap. 1321. Access Driveways.
Chap. 1323. Agricultural Buildings.
Chap. 1325. Alterations of Topography.
Chap. 1327. Antennas.
Chap. 1329. Chimneys and Fireplaces.
Chap. 1330. Construction of Structures on Steep Slopes.
Chap. 1331. Cutting of Trees.
Chap. 1333. Dangerous Buildings.
Chap. 1335. Egress and Access.
Chap. 1337. Energy Conservation.
Chap. 1339. Excavations and Foundations.
Chap. 1341. Exterior Requirements.
Chap. 1343. Fire Protection.
Chap. 1345. Flood Hazards.
Chap. 1347. Fuel Storage.
Chap. 1351. Garages, Pole Buildings and Decks.
Chap. 1353. Grading and Drainage.
Chap. 1355. Loads.
Chap. 1357. Materials.
Chap. 1359. Moving of Buildings.
Chap. 1361. Natural Light and Ventilation.
Chap. 1362. Oil and Gas Wells.
Chap. 1363. Room and House Size.
Chap. 1365. Sanitary Facilities.
Chap. 1367. Storage and Screening of Vehicles and Equipment.
Chap. 1369. Temporary Buildings.
Chap. 1371. Topsoil Removal.
TITLE FIVE - Plumbing, Mechanical And Electrical Systems
Chap. 1381. Plumbing and Sewers.
Chap. 1383. Sewage Disposal.
Chap. 1385. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning.
Chap. 1387. National Electrical Code.
Chap. 1389. Artificial Light and Mechanical Ventilation.
Chap. 1391. Village of Hunting Valley Residential Code for One-, Two-,
and Three-Family Dwellings.
APPENDIX A - Referenced Standards