(a)   Policy.
(1)   Village public records which are not, by law, excepted from disclosure are available for review at reasonable times during regular business hours (i.e., 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, legal holidays excepted).
(2)   Copies of Village public records which are not, by law, excepted from disclosure shall be made in accordance with the procedures, and for the costs, established in subsection (b) hereof. Copies of public records which are requested on a medium other than on 8-1/2" x 11" paper shall be produced at the actual cost of the medium and the cost of the reproduction thereof.
(3)   Village employees will not search public records for information if the public records are catalogued in a manner which does not readily permit such a search. Instead, all public records which are likely to contain requested information, and which are not, by law, excepted from disclosure, will be made available for review.
(4)   As used in this section, “public records” are defined as provided in Ohio R.C. 149.43.
   (Ord. 2000-153. Passed 12-12-00.)
   (b)   Procedures and Costs.
(1)   Subject to the limitations in subsection (a) hereof, a request for public records which are on 8-1/2" x 11" paper, which are requested in person and which consist of fewer than ten pages shall be made as soon as possible. They shall be provided to the person requesting same at no charge.
(2)   Subject to the limitations in subsection (a) hereof, a request for copies of public records which are 8-1/2" x 11" paper and which requires the production of 10 or more pages of such records shall be satisfied within a reasonable period of time from when the copies are requested. The person making the request shall deposit with the Village an amount equal to $.06 per estimated page, which is the Village’s cost per page.
(3)   Subject to the limitations in subsection (a) hereof, public records which are not 8-1/2" x 11" paper may require special handling to obtain copies thereof. The person making the request shall deposit an amount to be determined by the Assistant Finance Director which is reasonably calculated to secure the actual cost of the copies requested (exclusive of the time of the Village employee handling the request). The Village shall have a reasonable period of time to make the requested copies, and shall collect the actual cost of the copies.
      (4)   In the event such Village public records are requested to be delivered by mail, the postage for such mailing shall be secured, along with the deposit for the cost of the copies, prior to the copies being made.
         (Ord. 2017-3. Passed 4-11-17.)