(a)   Policy. This procedure is intended to be a guide for all employees and elected officials to use in seeking reimbursement of expenditures made on behalf of the Village of Hunting Valley. The Village will reimburse all employees and elected officials for reasonably and legally incurred expenses made on behalf of the Village.
   (b)   General Guidelines.
(1)   The general rule is that receipts will be obtained for expenditures.
(2)   A short explanation should be entered on the expense form in the “General Information and Trip Itinerary” section, outlining the reasons for the trip.
(3)   The Finance Director shall prepare and make available a standard expense form for use by the Village’s employees and elected officials.
   (c)   Travel and Living Expenses.
(1)   Meals and lodging. Meals are reimbursable at actual cost, plus reasonable tip. Meal expenses should be reasonable. Lunches will not be reimbursed unless the employee is on official business. Expenditures for alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed under any circumstances. Reasonable lodging costs and related expenses will be reimbursed.
(2)   Telephone, facsimile, postage. Business communications are allowable expenditures. Family calls are authorized in reasonable amounts.
(3)   Personal expenses. Items of a personal nature such as medicines, magazines and amusements are not authorized reimbursable expenditures.
   (d)   Entertainment. Expenditures for entertainment of a Village business nature are allowed if related to the accomplishment of a specific Village purpose or to safeguard the Village’s interests and reputation. Expenditures will be reported on the Expense Report Form and must be approved by Village management. Expenditures made by one employee for another are not reimbursable, unless the employees are representing the Village interests at a function.
   (e)   Personal Automobile/Airline Travel. When an employee uses their own vehicle to perform a Village function, they will be reimbursed for mileage based on the current rate allowable by the Internal Revenue Service. Mileage starts when the employee leaves from his/her home or office and concludes when he/she returns to the home or office. For airline travel, make reservations ahead of time to take advantage of discounts when possible. Always travel economy class unless there is a significant reason for doing otherwise.
   (f)   Approvals. Expenses for employees are subject to approval by the immediate supervisor of the employee and an expense form must be completed in full with all necessary receipts attached. Elected officials’ expenses are approved as follows:
(1)   The Finance Director will approve reports of the members of Council.
(2)   The Mayor will approve the reports of the Finance Director.
(3)   The President Pro Tem of the Village Council will approve the reports of the Mayor. (Ord. 2000-148. Passed 11-15-00.)