§ 158.202 PENALTIES.
   (A)   The following fines shall be imposed for each violation of this chapter unless specified below.
First offense
Second offense
Third offense
Subsequent offenses
   (B)   (1)   The following fines shall be imposed for each right-of- way signage violation of this chapter.
First offense
Second offense
Third offense
Subsequent offenses
$100 and confiscation
      (2)   An offense count shall be determined based upon the number of individual offenses accumulated within the calendar year (January 1 - December 31). All penalties shall be assessed against the individual person or agent responsible for the sign, in cases where no single individual is clearly identifiable by the sign the penalty shall be assessed against the firm, entity or corporation responsible for the sign.
   (C)   In addition to the monetary penalties outlined above, the following remedies may also be pursued by the enforcement official:
      (1)   Stop work order. The designated enforcement official of this section shall have the authority to issue an order for work on any building, structure, lot or development parcel to be stopped, if the work is in violation of this chapter.
      (2)   Injunctive relief; abatement. The designated enforcement official of this section may bring action for an injunction in Circuit or Superior Court of Huntington County, Indiana to enjoin any violator, and/or cause the violation to be resolved, removed or abated.
      (3)   Injunctive relief; removal. The designated enforcement official of this section may bring action in Circuit or Superior Court of Huntington County, Indiana for a mandatory injunction requiring the removal of a building, structure, sign, fence, and/or addition/ enlargement to an existing structure erected or constructed in violation of this chapter.
      (4)   Payment of costs. Any person, firm or corporation, whether as owner, lessee, sublessee or occupant found to be in violation of this chapter, as a result of any enforcement action, shall be responsible to pay all applicable attorney fees, court costs and other costs and expenses incurred in connection with the prosecution of the enforcement action.
   (D)   The fines and penalties provided for violations of this chapter shall be in addition to all other remedies and penalties provided herein and by law.
   (E)   Except where otherwise provided, every day any violation continues shall constitute a separate violation.
   (F)   Should any work which requires a permit commence prior to the permit being issued, a penalty of twice the regular permit fee shall be assessed.
(Ord. 8-C-93, passed 6-8-93; Am. Ord. 23-C-84, passed 8-16-84; Am. Ord. 8-C-02, passed 5-14-02; Am. Ord. 8-C-09, passed 5-12-09; Am. Ord. 11-C-10, passed 7-27-10; Am. Ord. 18-C-14, passed 7-29-14)
   (A)   The Director is herein authorized as a duly designated enforcement official. The Plan Director has the authority to appoint officers to enforce the provisions of this code. These officers have the authority to issue necessary citations, to issue tickets, and to remove unlawful signs.
   (B)   The Plan Director may adopt and prescribe suitable rules and regulations, consistent with the provisions of this code, concerning the form and contents of all applications for the various kinds of permits herein required, and covering any other requirements for the applicant to protect the public safety and welfare.
(Ord. 23-C-84, passed 8-16-84; Am. Ord. 8-C-96, passed 5-14-96 Am. Ord. 8-C-02, passed 5-14-02)
§ 158.999 PENALTY.
   Ordinance 8-C-93 moved the penalty section to § 158.202, please refer to that section for penalty amounts. Ordinance 8-C-93 also moved the violations section to § 158.201, please refer to that section for violation language.