§ 93.01 PURPOSE.
   It is hereby declared to be the purpose of this chapter to reduce the number of false alarms activated by private emergency alarm systems.
(Ord. 4-C-83, passed 5-10-83)
   For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      (1)   Any device toward the detection of an unauthorized entry or attempted entry into a building, structure, facility, or grounds, or for alerting others of the commission of an unlawful act within a building, structure, facility, or grounds, which when activated causes notification to be made directly or indirectly to the Police Department or any device used for the detection of fires in a building, structure, facility, or grounds, or for alerting others to a fire within a building, structure, facility, or grounds, which when activated causes notification to be made directly or indirectly to the Fire Department.
      (2)   An "ALARM SYSTEM" shall not include an alarm installed in a motor vehicle, or an alarm which signals or alerts only the occupants of the premises protected by the alarm system.
   "AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE DIALING DEVICE." Any device connected to an alarm system which automatically sends a prerecorded message, code, or signal to a law enforcement agency or the Fire Department indicating the activation of the alarm system.
   "FALSE ALARM." An alarm eliciting a Police or Fire Department response when the situation does not require Police or Fire Department services. This does not include alarms triggered by severe atmospheric conditions or other circumstances not reasonably under the control of the alarm user, installer, or maintainer.
(Ord. 4-C-83, passed 5-10-83)
   The chief of each respective department shall designate an area within the Police Department and the Fire Department where the alarm is to be installed and the type indicator is to be installed.
(Ord. 4-C-83, passed 5-10-83)
   It shall be unlawful for a person who controls property on which an alarm system is installed to issue, cause to be issued, or permit the issuance of more than six false alarms into the Police Department or three false alarms into the Fire Department in a calendar year. However, this section shall not apply to an alarm system which emits a false alarm within 30 days after installation of the alarm system.
(Ord. 4-C-83, passed 5-10-83) Penalty, see § 93.99
   (A)   It shall be unlawful to use or permit the use of any automatic telephone device or attachment which automatically selects any telephone line leading into the communication center of the Fire Department and then transmits any prerecorded message or signal.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful to sell or install any automatic telephone device which automatically selects any telephone line leading into the communication center of the Fire Department and then transmits any prerecorded message or signal.
   (C)   Any person who operates or uses an automatic telephone device at the time this chapter becomes effective shall have 60 days to comply with the requirements of this section.
(Ord. 4-C-83, passed 5-10-83) Penalty, see § 93.99
   Whenever a law enforcement officer or a Fire Department officer of the city, or a person so authorized by the Board of Public Works and Safety, shall find that the owner or operator of any alarm system has violated § 93.04, the officer shall notify the person of the violation in the manner described in this chapter.
(Ord. 4-C-83, passed 5-10-83)
§ 93.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   After the occurrence of the sixth false alarm, each false alarm so recorded within any calendar year shall be $25 for the Police Department.
   (B)   After the occurrence of the third false alarm, each false alarm so recorded within any calendar year shall be $250 for the Fire Department.
   (C)   After the occurrence of the eighth false alarm in any calendar year, the alarm system shall be removed by the Police Department.
   (D)   After the occurrence of the fifth false alarm in any calendar year, the alarm system shall be removed by the Fire Department.
   (E)   Any person who violates § 93.05 shall be subject to a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $2500.
(Ord. 4-C-83, passed 5-10-83)