General Provisions
72.01 Generally
72.02 Designation
72.03 Areas
72.04 Obstructing alley
72.05 Truck parking and unloading
72.06 Fire hydrants and stations
72.07 Street intersections
72.08 Obstructing traffic
72.09 Curb
72.10 Display or repair
72.11 Time limit
72.12 Snow removal and maintenance
72.13 Emergency vehicles
Persons With Disabilities
72.25 Definitions
72.26 Designation of onstreet parking spaces and access aisles; display of permits
72.27 Designation of offstreet parking stalls, spaces, and access aisles
72.28 Permit issuance; renewal
72.29 Motor vehicle permit issuance; renewal
72.30 Permit contents; prohibited issuance; duplicate permits
72.31 Period valid; renewal of temporary permits
72.32 Permits nontransferable; violations; suspension
72.33 Removal of unauthorized vehicle
72.34 Citation issuance; complaint; trial; dismissal
Administration and Enforcement
72.45 Removal of illegally parked vehicles
72.46 Bureau of Violations
Statutory reference:
Regulation of highways by local authorities, see Neb. RS 60-680 and 60-6,167