(a)   Purpose. The purpose of the open space conservation subdivision option is to provide alternative zoning regulations that permit residential development to take a more compact form in order to preserve and maintain existing open areas and sensitive natural resources. The open space conservation subdivision regulations are designed to advance the following goals:
      (1)   Preserve open space in amounts that are greater than that achievable with more conventional subdivision design in order to provide a more environmentally sensitive residential development by preserving the natural character of open fields, farmland, stands of trees, ponds, streams, native vegetation, and similar natural features;
      (2)   Reduce the lot area, yard, and setback requirement of the base zoning district in order to permit the grouping or clustering of dwelling units; and
      (3)   To allow a more flexible and economical residential layout and street design to provide a more efficient and aesthetic use of open space, and to save infrastructure costs.
   (b)   Applicability. Open space conservation subdivisions shall be permitted as an option within the following zoning districts:
      (1)   District 1–Suburban Residential Neighborhood.
      (2)   District 2–Rural Residential Conservation.
      (3)   District 3–Outer Village Residential Neighborhood.
      (4)   District 10–Ravenna Road Mixed Use Corridor.
   (c)   Permitted Uses. In addition to conservation, agricultural, and non-commercial recreational uses, permitted uses in an open space conservation subdivision shall include the residential uses as provided in the applicable zone district.
   (d)   Minimum Parcel Size.
      (1)   Districts 1 and 3. Subject to the provisions set forth herein, open space conservation subdivisions shall be permitted only on sites containing an area of ten or more acres.
      (2)   Districts 2 and 10. Subject to the provisions set forth herein, open space conservation subdivisions shall be permitted only on sites containing an area of ten or more acres as of the effective date of this Code.
   (e)   Lot Dimensions. To protect surrounding uses and to ensure that open space conservation subdivision is compatible, the following standards apply in lieu of relevant zone district standards.
      (1)   Minimum lot area and width:
Minimum lot area:
6,000 square feet (Districts 1 and 3)
10,000 square feet (Districts 2 and 10)
Minimum lot width:
60 feet (Districts 1 and 3)
100 feet (Districts 2 and 10)
Minimum lot width: (Corner lots)
80 feet (Districts 1 and 3)
      (2)   Setbacks.
         A.   Intent: The intent of the following setback requirements is to establish uniform building setbacks within an open space conservation subdivision, especially uniform front yard setbacks, in order to produce building/street patterns that evoke the character of small rural villages.
         B.   Case-by-case determination: Building setbacks, yard requirements and maximum impervious area for lots within an open space conservation subdivision in these districts shall be determined on a case-by-case basis by the City Manager and PC during the subdivision approval process or the site plan approval process. All determinations of setbacks and yard requirements shall use as a starting point the minimum setbacks set forth in division (e)(2)C. of this section, which may be modified to meet the criteria set forth in 1207.01, Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage.
         C.   Recommended building/yard setbacks for open space conservation subdivision lots:
            1.   Minimum front yard setback: twenty feet.
            2.   Minimum side yard setback: ten feet.
            3.   Minimum rear yard setback (principal structure): twenty-five feet.
            4.   Minimum rear yard setback (accessory structure): ten feet for accessory private garages; five feet for all other accessory structures.
            5.   Perimeter setback: Buildings shall be setback at least 100 feet from the perimeter property line of the subdivision.
   (f)   Bufferyard Requirement for Open Space Conservation Subdivisions Fronting Arterials. Open space conservation subdivisions developments fronting an arterial road or street shall establish a landscaped bufferyard with a minimum width of 100 feet along the boundary fronting the arterial street or road, unless the Planning Commission determines that a less wide bufferyard is compatible with existing development patterns in the surrounding community. See Section 1207.04 (l) for landscaping requirements for this bufferyard.
   (g)   Density for Open Space Conservation Subdivisions.
      (1)   Base density. The overall density of an open space conservation subdivision shall be based on the specific density prescribed by the base underlying zoning district as provided in Chapter 1205 , Zoning District and Use Regulations.
      (2)   If an open space conservation subdivision is in more than one zone district, the number of allowable dwelling units must be separately calculated for each portion of the subdivision that is in a separate zone district, and must then be combined to determine the number of dwelling units allowed in the entire subdivision.
   (h)   Open Space.
      (1)   A minimum of fifty percent of the gross acreage in an open space conservation.
      (2)   Subdivision shall be retained as open space.
      (3)   The open space may be of two types:
         A.   Private open space; or
         B.   Public open space, which shall be lands within the open space conservation subdivision deeded to the City, or to another entity acceptable to the City, for use and maintenance as permanent open space.
      (3)   This fifty percent open space requirement shall be credited towards the open space dedication and set aside requirements set forth in this Code, as applicable.
      (4)   See Section 1207.05, Open Space, for open space standards and criteria, including locational and design criteria.
   (i)   Standards for Open Space Conservation Subdivision Approval. Open space conservation subdivisions are intended to result in environmentally sensitive and innovative design appropriate for and tailored to the site. Toward that end, all open space conservation subdivisions shall comply with the following standards:
      (1)   Compliance with all other applicable use and development standards, including adequate public facility and performance standards, as set forth in this Code.
      (2)   Preservation of significant natural resources, natural areas and features, native vegetation, riparian corridors, wetlands, significant wildlife habitats, open lands, or agricultural property through maintenance of large, contiguous blocks of land and other techniques.
      (3)   Provision of additional amenities such as parks, trails, common areas, and access to public recreational areas and open space.
      (4)   Protection of adjacent residential development through landscaping, screening, fencing, buffering, and similar measures. See Section 1207.04(e) for required type of landscaped bufferyards between open space conservation subdivisions and other land uses.
      (5)   Adequate utility services must be available to the property.
(Ord. 18-93. Passed 10-15-19; Ord. 21-46. Passed 8-17-21.)