Temporary cul-de-sacs shall be built such that the center section bounded by the gutter extension of the adjacent tangent roadway section can be used with minor modifications as part of the proposed roadway extension. Temporary cul-de-sac pavement buildup shall be the same as for permanent cul-de-sacs and roadways. The centerline crown and the edge of pavement gutters of the tangent roadway typical section shall be extended through the entire length of the temporary cul-de-sac. The cross slope of this center section shall match that of the tangent roadway typical section. The remaining outer portion of the temporary cul-de-sac shall be sloped to drain into the gutter and then to a catch basin. Curb underdrain is not required within the limits of the temporary cul-de-sac.
   All storm, sanitary, water and other utilities and appurtenances shall be designed and constructed in a manner such that the castings can be adjusted to grade without reconstructing the catch basin, manhole, vault etc. Catch basins shall be designed and constructed such that the curbed inlet casting can be installed without reconstructing the catch basin.
   When the tangent roadway typical section is to be extended, the temporary cul-de-sac shall be saw cut full depth along the gutter lines and the outer portion of the existing pavement removed. Curb shall then be placed along the saw cut and tied into the existing tangent roadway curb. The remaining area disturbed by the pavement removal shall be graded to properly drain into the roadway, seeded and mulched.
( Ord. No. 16-131 , § 2, 9-6-2016)