The Council shall consist of seven (7) members, a majority of whom shall be elected one (1) from each of four (4) wards of the Municipality and the remaining three (3) elected at large. Ward boundaries shall be redrawn by a majority of Council to reflect approximately equal population, based upon a change due to annexation, or a change in population, in accordance with U.S. Census data revised each decade, within one (1) year of receipt by the Municipality of final census data.
   Terms of members of Council shall be staggered such that the ward Council members from wards 1, 2, 3 and 4 shall be elected at the regular Municipal election in 2003 and every fourth (4th) year thereafter, while the at-large Council members shall be elected at the regular Municipal election in 2001 and every fourth (4th) year thereafter. The terms of members shall be four (4) years, commencing at the first regular meeting in December following their election and shall continue until their successors have been elected and sworn into office. (Amended 11-7-00; 11-2-10)