When First Energy distribution customers (Hudson residents) call requesting to be put on Hudson Public Power (HPP) distribution:
   (a)   HPP Superintendent determines the distribution circuit or project scope or "affected area".
   (b)   The interested residents must present a petition to Council for purchase of the distribution system from First Energy which includes 60% of the property owners in the affected area. (See petition form at the end of this chapter)
   (c)   Once Council receives the petition and the Clerk determines that the signatures are property owners, it is turned over to the Public Works Director for action. The HPP Superintendent will initiate a "cost request" with First Energy for the cost to purchase the distribution system.
   (d)   Information is presented to Council at a workshop meeting, and at the next Council meeting a decision will be made to purchase the system via passage of an ordinance of intent to permit the City Manager to enter into a contract for the purchase of the specified distribution system and appropriation of the necessary funds.
   (e)   All residents in the affected area will be transferred to HPP distribution system once the change can be mechanically made.
(Res. 01-151. Passed 9-5-01.)