(a)   It shall be the policy of the City to identify providers of goods and services which are located within the corporate boundaries of the City and to encourage those merchants and service providers to participate in the City's procurement process.
   (b)   In order to encourage participation by local providers, the City shall establish a Hudson Vendors List. Any Hudson vendor is encouraged to contact the Finance Department and provide a list of commodities and services offered and contact persons.
   (c)   A City vendor is a person, partnership, association or corporation with a residence or principle place of business which has been located within the City for at least six months immediately prior to the official date of solicitation or request for proposals.
   (d)   Whenever the City intends to purchase a commodity or service, it shall provide assured notification to the active vendors on the Hudson Vendors List, which shall provide the category of goods or service being sought. In order to remain an active vendor, a provider must respond at least once in any twelve-month period to a request for quotations or bids. If a provider fails to respond at least once to a request for quotations, bids or proposals in any twelve-month period in which the City has made at least two requests for goods or services in the category or categories offered by the vendor, the provider's name shall be removed from the Hudson Vendors List.
   (e)   A provider may reinstate its name on the Hudson Vendors List by requesting that its name be reinstated either in writing or by electronic mail.
   (f)   It is not the intent of this policy to exclude any bona fide bidder or service provider in good standing with the City from the City's procurement process. Any vendor who offers gratuities or preferences on personal purchases to any City employee or officer as a reward or inducement for placing City business with them shall be excluded from the City's procurement process. Any Municipal employee or officer accepting preferences or gratuities as a consequence of placing Municipal business shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including dismissal.
(Res. 97-65. Passed 5-21-97.)