(a)   It is prohibited to park or store any unlicensed or inoperable motorized vehicle or vehicle parts other than in a garage or enclosed building.
   (b)   The parking or storing of any vehicle manufactured for the purpose of transport, or other use, that is not licensed or operable shall be declared a nuisance and is prohibited.
   (c)   This does not apply to individuals licensed as a dealer under state licensing laws, if properly zoned for such business.
   (d)   Should any motor vehicle be parked or stored in violation of this section, a designated representative of the City will place a notice on the vehicle stating that valid license tags or repairs be obtained within 72 hours. Failure to comply with this ordinance will result in charges being brought against the occupant of the property and the owner of the vehicle. If this violation is not corrected within the 72 hour period, a representative of the City will have removed the vehicle and or parts at the owners expense. The owner of a vehicle ordered into storage may reclaim it upon payment of any expenses or charges incurred in its removal, in an amount not to exceed ninety dollars ($90.00), and storage in an amount not to exceed fifteen dollars ($15.00), per twenty four hour period; except that the charge for towing shall not exceed one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00), and the storage charge shall not exceed twenty dollars ($20.00) per twenty four hour period, if the vehicle has a manufacturer’s gross vehicle rating in excess of 10,000 pounds and is a truck, bus, or a combination of a commercial tractor and trailer or semi-trailer. Presentation of proof of ownership, which may be evidenced by a certificate of title to the motor vehicle or vehicle also shall be required for reclamation of the vehicle. If a motor vehicle that is ordered into storage pursuant to this section remains unclaimed by the owner for thirty days, the procedures established by Ohio R.C. 4513.61 and 4513.62 shall apply.
   (e)   Whoever violates this ordinance shall be guilty of a fourth degree misdemeanor for the first offense, subjecting the violator to fines not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00), and a jail sentence not to exceed 30 days, per vehicle. Subsequent violations of this ordinance shall be deemed a third degree misdemeanor, subjecting the violator to fines not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), and a jail term not to exceed 60 days per vehicle. All further violations shall subject the violator to a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), and a jail sentence not to exceed 180 days per vehicle. The Court may further order vehicles and parts removed at the vehicle or property owners expense.
(Ord. 41-01. Passed 9-4-01.)