(a)   The utility shall obtain consumption amounts by reading utility service meters monthly. Due to conditions rendering the utility unable to read said meters, the utility reserves the right to estimate consumption based on the customer’s past usage history in order to generate a utility bill. When estimated consumption is used, the utility shall adjust and amend charges regarding actual versus estimated consumption on the next utility bill reflecting actual meter readings.
   (b)   The utility shall provide each customer a monthly billing detailing utility charges and consumption for the given billing period.
   (c)   Said utility bills shall be provided to customers at or near the end of each month, the terms of payment for all utility bills are: due and payable in full within approximately twenty- five days of the billing date (in the event the twenty-fifth calendar day is a legal holiday, Saturday, or Sunday, the final payment date for current bills shall be the next regular business day immediately following the holiday or weekend day).
   (d)   Utility bills are due and payable upon receipt.
   (e)   Customers shall have the first ten days of the month to receive the electric discount only as provided in the electric rate schedule Ordinance #52-89. The period of the billing date through the tenth day of the month shall be known as the discount period.
   (f)   If the tenth day of the month is a legal holiday, Saturday, or Sunday, the discount period shall be extended to the next regular business day immediately following the holiday or weekend day. (i.e. November 10, 2002, is a Saturday, as a result, the discount period will not conclude until:
      (1)   The end of the billing office shift on Monday, November 12, 2002; and/or
      (2)   Payments placed in the City Hall Drop Box will be granted the discount until the drop box is emptied on the next regular business morning following the end of the discount period; and/or
      (3)   Remittance made by mail will receive the discount provided that the envelope postmark is on or before the final date of the discount period-in this example, envelope postmarks would have to be on or before November 12th in order to receive the discount).
   (g)   Customers who do not pay within the discount period, shall have the period of the tenth (10th) through the twenty-fifth (25th) of the current billing month to pay their utility bill in full in order to avoid delinquency status.
   (h)   Utility bills not paid in full by the twenty-fifth calendar day (25th) of the current billing period are deemed delinquent and will by subjected to the Delinquency Policy as defined in Section 939.05 (in the event the twenty-fifth calendar day is a legal holiday, Saturday, or Sunday, the final payment date for current bills shall be the next regular business day immediately following the holiday or weekend day).
   (i)   The due date on a utility bill applies to current charges only and does not extend or otherwise alter any previous due date, notice, or agreement regarding past due charges for delinquent utility service.
(Ord. 11-03. Passed 6-2-03.)