The following rules and regulations are to be enforced relative to the use of the sanitary landfill.
(A) Toxic and hazardous waste shall only be deposited in the area designated for toxic and hazardous waste and no toxic and hazardous waste shall be deposited unless the same has been neutralized and treated according to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s Regulations and Standards for treatment of toxic anc hazardous waste.
(B) No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited on the sanitary landfill any loose paper or other loose material which can be, or is liable to be, carried by the wind outside of the sanitary landfill area.
(C) No person shall loiter on or around the sanitary landfill, pick over the refuse, garbage, rubbish or any other materials deposited there or interfere with the operation thereof.
(D) No person shall set any fire to the refuse, rubbish or garbage or any other material in the sanitary landfill or deposit any hot ashes or materials which would be liable to cause a fire to start.
(E) No person shall deposit any automobile body or parts of automobile bodies on the sanitary landfill.
(F) No person shall deposit automobile tires or other rubber tires, unless the same shall have been quartered or shredded.
(G) No tree exceeding six inches in diameter shall be deposited on the sanitary landfill unless it has been limbed and cut into lengths not exceeding three feet.
(H) No person shall discharge any firearm, air gun, bow and arrow or similar weapon on or around the sanitary landfill.
(I) No person shall tear down or damage or deface any signs posted upon the grounds by the city or its agents.
(J) No person shall dump or deposit any refuse, garbage, rubbish or other materials of any character within 200 feet of the entrance to the sanitary landfill, nor upon the roadways leading to the sanitary landfill, nor on any land adjoining the sanitary landfill.
(Ord. 55, passed 3-9-1971) Penalty, see § 51.99