   98.01   Permit requirements
   98.99   Penalty
   (A)   Permit required. No person, firm, or corporation shall give or maintain any show or public entertainment, circus, carnival, game, event, or concert without securing a permit.
   (B)   Prohibited events. No event shall take place on private property, with the exception of any entertainment of any kind which is given for the benefit of any school, church, benevolent institution, or 501(c)3 non-profit organization on the school’s, church’s, benevolent institution’s, or 501(c)3 non-profit organization’s private property is allowable.
   (C)   Application. Application for such permit shall be made to the City Administrator and shall state the nature of the entertainment, the time, and place thereof.
   (D)   Issuance. Upon payment of the permit fee and no less than half of the additional fees (personnel, etc.) by the applicant, the filing of a properly completed application blank, the filing of any necessary bonds or insurance, and upon completion of any administrative investigation required by this chapter, the City Administrator shall issue such permit or deny the application for a permit if the City Administrator determines from a consideration of the application or other pertinent information that:
      (1)   The applicant fails to supply information requested after ten business days after having been notified by the City Administrator of additional documents needed.
      (2)   The applicant fails to agree to abide by or comply with all of the conditions or terms of the special event permit.
      (3)   Another permit application has already been approved to hold a different event at the same time and place as requested by the applicant.
      (4)   The event is too large for location requested.
      (5)   The event requires unreasonable city or police resources to maintain safety.
      (6)   The event is a non-licensed or bring-your-own alcohol type-event, or the event type is such where attendees may believe it is encouraged to do so.
      (7)   Event may create an unreasonable disturbance, such as noise or light pollution.
      (8)   Event organizers are not in good standing with the city.
(Ord. 231, passed 3-14-2022)