• Section 6.19 Seasonal and Transient Display of Products or Materials Intended for Sale.
   The sale of seasonal items such as Christmas trees, flowers and plants, pumpkins and other such seasonal items and the sale of any other merchandise by persons other than the owner or tenant of the premises, shall require a license from the Howell City Clerk pursuant to Chapter 873 of the Howell City Code, subject to the following standards and conditions:
   (a)   Transient or seasonal sales may be located within any required yard provided a ten (10) foot landscaped greenbelt meeting the requirements of Section 5.10 is provided between any outdoor display and any public road right-of-way. Where outdoor displays abut the residentially zoned property, landscape screening in accordance with Section 5.10 shall also be provided.
   (b)   Transient or seasonal sales shall not occupy or obstruct the use of any fire lane, required off-street parking or landscaped area required to meet the requirements of this Zoning Ordinance, or create a traffic or safety hazard.
   (c)   Such sales shall be permitted only in the CBD, B-1 and B-2 Districts.
   (d)   All such sales shall be conducted in a manner so as not to create a traffic hazard or a nuisance to neighboring properties.
   (e)   Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Article 10 along with adequate ingress and egress to the site.
   (f)   Upon discontinuance of the seasonal use, any temporary structure shall be removed.
   (g)   Signs shall be temporary and shall comply with the provisions of Section 7.08.