• Section 6.03 Housing for the Elderly and Nursing Homes/Convalescent Centers.
   (a)   Housing for the elderly shall comply with the following conditions:
      (1)   All housing for the elderly shall provide for the following:
         A.   Independent Living for the Elderly. Dwellings may be provided for as one-family detached, two-family or multiple family units. The minimum site area requirements for purpose of calculating density shall be as follows:
Dwelling Unit Size         Site Area/Unit (sq. ft.)
Efficiency/One Bedroom         2,000
Two Bedroom               4,000
Each additional bedroom         500
         B.   Assisted Living for the Elderly. Where such facilities contain individual dwelling units with kitchen facilities, the density requirements set forth in Section 6.03(a) shall apply. Where facilities do not contain kitchen facilities within individual dwelling units, the site area per bed shall be two hundred (200) square feet.
         C.   Both independent and assisted living facilities shall be contained within a building which does not exceed two hundred and fifty (250) feet in overall length, measured along the front line of connecting units, inclusive of any architectural features which are attached to or connect the parts of the building together. The Planning Commission may permit buildings of greater length when it can be demonstrated that architectural design and natural and topographic features ensure that the building is in scale with the site and surrounding areas.
         D.   Building setbacks shall comply with the following:
            i.   Perimeter setbacks shall be no less than seventy-five (75) feet from the front property line and fifty (50) feet from all other property lines.
            ii.   Internal setbacks for one and two-family dwellings located on an individual lot shall be as follows:
Front                  25 feet
Rear                   35 feet
Least Side               7.5 feet
Total Side/Between Buildings         20 feet
            iii.   Internal setbacks for one and two-family dwellings not located on an individual lot shall be as follows:
                  Multiple   One/Two-
                  Family      Family
Internal Drives/Streets         25      25
Side/Side Orientation            30      20
Side/Front, Side/Rear            30      35
Front/Front, Front/Rear, Rear/Rear      50      50
         E.   Minimum Floor Area. Each dwelling unit shall comply with the following minimum floor area requirements, excluding basements:
Dwelling Type                  Floor Area (sq. ft.)
               Assisted Living Unit   Independent Living Unit
Efficiency            400         500
One Bedroom            550         650
Two Bedroom            700         800
Additional bedroom         150 per      150 per
         F.   Building Height. The maximum height of a building is two (2) stories or thirty-five (35) feet. The Planning Commission may at its discretion, permit up to three (3) stories only if the following conditions are met:
            i.   The site contains significant natural resources such as slopes or wetlands.
            ii.   No increase in density shall be allowed.
            iii.   Approval by the Fire Department is required.
            iv.   An increased front, rear and side yard setback distance and spacing requirements between buildings. The extent of increase, if any, for each setback measurement shall be established as part of the approval of the Planning Commission.
            v.   In no event shall the maximum height of any such building exceed thirty-five (35) feet as calculated in accordance with the terms of this Ordinance.
         G.   Open Space/Recreation. Open space and recreation shall be provided in accordance with the following requirements:
            i.   Total open space required shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) percent of the site.
            ii.   Recreation facilities shall be appropriate and designed to meet the needs of the resident population. Active recreation shall be located conveniently in relation to the majority of dwelling units intended to be served.
         H.   Accessory Uses. Support uses offered solely to residents may be permitted provided they are contained within the principal building and are strictly accessory to the principal use as an elderly residential facility. Such support may include: congregate dining; health care; personal services; and social, recreational, and educational facilities and programs.
   (b)   Nursing homes and convalescent centers shall comply with the following conditions:
      (1)   Minimum lot size shall be based upon no less than two thousand (2,000) square feet per bed.
      (2)   The site shall be so developed as to create a land-to-building ratio on the lot or parcel whereby for each bed in the nursing homes/convalescent centers there shall be provided not less than one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet of open space. Such space shall provide for landscape setting, off-street parking, service drives, loading space, yard requirements, employee facilities and any space required for accessory uses. The one thousand five hundred (1,500) square foot requirement is over and above the building coverage area requirement.
      (3)   No building shall be closer than forty (40) feet from a property line.
      (4)   The lot location shall be such that at least one (1) property line abuts a collector street, secondary thoroughfare, or primary thoroughfare. More than one (1) point of vehicle ingress and egress shall be provided directly from said thoroughfare.
      (5)   Area for access of emergency vehicles shall be provided for each primary building entrance.