Commercial Recreational Establishments
806.01   Definitions.
806.02   License required.
806.03   License application; fee.
806.04   Effective period and revocation of license
806.05   Issuance of license.
806.06   Exemptions.
806.07   Minors in billiard or pool halls, pinball arcades and electronic or video arcades.
806.08   Revocation of licenses.
806.99   Penalty.
   Coordinated collection of State license fees - see M.C.L. Sec. 205.1
   Ordinances re bowling alleys, pool and billiard rooms - see M.C.L. Sec. 750.141
   Children in pool and billiard rooms - see M.C.L. Sec. 750.141
   Discrimination - see M.C.L. Secs. 750.146, 750.147
   As used in this chapter:
   (a)   "Billiard hall, pool hall" and "pinball arcade" mean an establishment whose principal business is the sale of the commodities indicated or the use of the facilities furnished for the aforesaid purposes.
(Ord. 382. Passed 7-16-79.)
   (b)   "Bowling alley" means a place open to the public which is fitted up with bowling alleys for the playing at which alleys a fee is charged.
   (c)   "Skating rink" means a place open to the public which is fitted up and made suitable for roller skating and for which a fee is charged.
   (d)   "Electronic or video arcade" means an establishment whose principal business is the sale or use of electronic and/or video games of any kind and by whatever name known.
   (e)   "Any other commercial recreational establishment" means an indoor or outdoor recreational operation or facility which is open to the public and for which a fee is charged.