(A)   Introduction.
      (1)   In response to requirements set forth in the 1986 Federal Clean Water Act, the Indiana Wellhead Protection Rule, 327 IAC 8-4.1, was signed into law on March 28, 1997. The Rule established requirements for the development of a wellhead protection plan by all community public water supply systems located in the state. The program, regulated by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), recognizes that groundwater quality can be threatened by specific land uses and activities that occur in areas adjacent to public water supply system production wells. The Town of Greentown developed a wellhead protection plan (approved by IDEM in February 2006) that delineated the town’s wellhead protection areas and established management strategies that focus on education and prevention as a means to protect the community’s drinking water quality.
      (2)   Wellhead protection areas are the surface and subsurface areas that contribute water to a community public water supply system production well and through which contaminants are likely to move through and reach the well within a one-, five- or ten-year time of travel. Wellhead protection areas shall be shown as an overlay on the Official Zoning Map.
   (B)   Sanitary setback. A SANITARY SETBACK is an area within the wellhead protection area and established around a community public water supply system production well to protect ground water from direct contamination. The sanitary setback radius is 100 feet. Within the sanitary setback, it is prohibited to use, apply, store, mix, load or transport chemicals (other than those used for drinking water treatment).
   (C)   One-, five- and ten-year time of travel. The time of travel is the calculated length of time a particle of water takes to reach a production well from a certain point within the wellhead protection area. These areas shall be managed as the wellhead protection areas.
   (D)   Development plan review. Refer to division (E) below for development plan requirements. During the plan review process, the Zoning Commissioner or Plan Commission shall:
      (1)   Assess whether the proposed development will prevent potential ground water contaminants from entering a public water supply system production well;
      (2)   Ensure that the proposed development will not unreasonably endanger the quality of groundwater within the wellhead protection area; and
      (3)   Ensure development standards are implemented and prohibit those uses described in division (E).
   (E)   Development standards and prohibited uses within the wellhead protection areas.
      (1)   All aboveground storage tanks of liquids shall be equipped with secondary containment to capture spills or leaks. Containment must effectively contain at least 110% of the volume of the tank.
      (2)   Landfills and hazardous waste disposal sites shall be prohibited.
      (3)   Infiltration basins, dry wells, cesspools, waste disposal wells, or other injection-type wells shall be prohibited.
      (4)   Underground storage tanks shall be double walled and be equipped with leak detection. Underground storage tanks shall also be in compliance with all state and federal regulations.
      (5)   Construction of new sanitary or storm sewer lines within the sanitary setbacks (within 200 feet of any production well) shall be prohibited.
(Ord. 2013-BCCO-32, passed 11-18-13)