(A)   To prevent contamination of the well or aquifer, a chlorine residual of 200 parts per million, or other disinfectant of comparable anti-bacterial quality and strength, shall be maintained in the well hole throughout the drilling process. Under these conditions the well need not be disinfected until the pump is set. Every new, modified or reconditioned water source, including pumping equipment and gravel used in gravel wall wells, shall be disinfected before being placed in service for general use. Such treatment shall be performed both when the well work is finished and when the pump is installed or reinstalled. If there is no significant lapse of time between the two operations, only the latter disinfection will be required. The casing pipe shall be thoroughly swabbed to remove oil, grease and joint dope, using alkalies if necessary to obtain clean metal surfaces. The well or other ground water development equipment, including the pumping equipment and gravel used in gravel well construction, shall be disinfected with a solution containing enough chlorine to leave a residual of 25 parts per million in the well after a period of at least 24 hours.
   (B)   Before the water supply system is approved for use, it shall be disinfected in accordance with division (A) above, pumped to remove disinfectant, and tested. Sterile bottles for water samples and bacteriological tests will be obtained from the State Board of Health, 1330 West Michigan Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206, water sample returned to the State Laboratory, and certification received from the State Laboratory that the quality of the water is satisfactory for its intended use. A nominal charge is made by the State Board of Health for this service.
(`83 Code, § 51.07) (Ord. 1977-39, passed 12-19-77) Penalty, see § 10.99