(A)   No owner, occupant, tenant, or any person having a substantial property interest in any real or personal property within the County Recycling District, shall maintain, create, cause, place, deposit, leave, or permit a nuisance to remain on such property, or upon any public place abutting such real estate or personal property.
   (B)   The following acts shall constitute a violation of this chapter:
      (1)   No person shall discard or dump litter, abandoned vehicles, junk, recyclables, garbage, construction/demolition waste, hazardous waste, infectious waste, inert solid waste along any public roadway or near any public or private river, lake, stream or ditch or on his or her property or the property of another person.
      (2)   No person shall conduct any activity on public or private land which results in the accumulation of litter, abandoned motor vehicles, junk, recyclables, garbage, fill materials, construction/demolition waste, hazardous waste, infectious, inert solid waste, or solid waste so as to interfere with the public health, safety, peace and the comfortable enjoyment of life or property.
      (3)   No person owning real property shall cause or consent to final disposal upon said property of solid waste materials (other than inert solid waste or fill material) that is generated by said person or by any other person, unless otherwise licensed or permitted as a disposal facility by the State of Indiana.
      (4)   No person shall litter, nor permit any dependent minor or other person for whom he or she is legally responsible to litter, nor cause another person to litter.
      (5)   No person shall discard any materials, other than recyclables, at any facility or in any container intended for collecting recyclables.
      (6)   No person shall deposit any contaminated recyclable materials in or at any city, county or Recycling District facility or container intended for collecting recyclable materials.
      (7)   No person shall conduct scavenging of materials at any facility or in any container intended for collecting recyclable materials.
      (8)   No person, either knowingly or unknowingly, shall contract with another party to engage in any acts prohibited by divisions (B)(1) through (7) of this section. A violation of this provision shall be an offense of the same degree for the waste generator as the violation committed by the hired contractor.
      (9)   No person shall store, accumulate or allow to remain on any private property, any abandoned vehicles, automobile parts, disassembled automobiles, automobiles without engines, plumbing and piping materials and parts, scrap metal, un- seaworthy or dilapidated boats, dilapidated, deteriorated, or non-operable jet skis, snowmobiles, bicycles, trailers, mopeds or junk, unless properly approved.
      (10)   No person shall store, accumulate or allow to remain on any private property appliances, household items and tires outside of any structure.
      (11)   No person shall have any waste water, filth, offal, garbage, rubbish, animal waste, human excrement, which is deposited, allowed or caused to be upon any public or private property, other than for the purpose of approved forms of composting.
(Ord. 2008-BCC-21, passed 6-16-08)