(A)   It shall be unlawful to create disruptive noise between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
   (B)   Disruptive noise is a type of sound and is defined as unwanted, annoying, unpleasant or loud.
      (1)   Continuous noise is noise that is produced continuously, for example, by machinery that keeps running without interruption or loud music that carries sound more than 100 feet outdoors
      (2)   Intermittent noise is a noise level that increases and decreases rapidly, This might be caused by a revving a car engine repeatedly, train passing by, or aircraft flying above your house.
      (3)   Impulsive noise is most commonly associated with the construction and demolition industry. These sudden bursts of noise can startle you by their fast and surprising nature and may include the starting of a lawn mower, motorcycle or other un-muffled power equipment.
      (4)   Low-frequency noise includes the hum of a nearby power station or the roaring of large diesel engines. It also happens to be the hardest type of noise to reduce at source, so it can easily spread for miles around.
(Ord. 1215, passed 8-17-2020) Penalty, see § 95.99