(A) When required. No person shall engage in any activity within the corporate boundaries of the city for which a license is required without first having obtained a license as required by ordinance. All licenses issued in the city shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter unless specified otherwise. Licenses subject to this chapter shall include, but are not limited to:
(1) Carnival/circus/tent show (Chapter 114);
(2) Cemetery contractor license (Chapter 91);
(3) Construction contractor license (Chapter 110);
(4) Dog license (Chapter 90);
(5) Excavation contractor (Chapter 94);
(6) Mobile home parks (Chapter 151);
(7) Peddlers, solicitors, transient merchants (Chapter 113);
(8) Second hand and pawn shops (Chapter 112);
(9) Solid waste haulers (Chapter 50);
(10) Taxicabs and busses (Chapter 115); and
(11) Adult oriented businesses (Chapter 155).
(B) Application.
(1) Except as otherwise provided, an applicant for a license shall make and file an application to the city in writing on a form provided by the city. Such application shall contain such information as required by the licensing authority or as provided by ordinance, and must show that the applicant is eligible for the license for which application is made. The applicant shall verify the application with a government issued photo identification card.
(2) Unless otherwise provided, an applicant for a license shall state:
(a) Name and physical address of applicant;
(b) Mailing address;
(c) Trade name, if any, under which license is to be exercised;
(d) If a partnership, the name and address of each partner;
(e) If a corporation, the names and addresses of the officers;
(f) Place of business or location where the license is to be exercised;
(g) Description of the activity to be carried on under the license;
(h) Such information as required by ordinance or by the City Council showing the applicant is entitled to the license and that he or she is a proper person, and the place a proper place for the exercise thereof; and
(i) Such information as required by ordinance as may be necessary for determination of the amount of the license fee.
(C) Approval of required bond, insurance or deposit. Any bond, liability insurance or deposit required shall be subject to the approval of the City Council, and in case the City Council deems the security inadequate, it may require new or additional security.
(D) Payment of fee. Except as otherwise provided, an applicant for license shall first pay the amount of the license fee to the Finance Officer, taking his or her receipt, therefore showing the kind of license for which the fee was paid and the amount paid.
(Prior Code, § 11-A-01)