(A)   All vacant lands within the city shall be maintained in accordance with the city’s nuisance ordinance and the International Property Maintenance Code except as provided herein.
   (B)   Vacant city acreages shall be maintained free of weeds, grass, plants or other vegetation in excess of 12 inches within the required setback distances of the district in which it is located.
   (C)   Inside the boundary established by the setback lines of the district, weeds, grass, plants or other vegetation shall not exceed a height of 30 inches.
   (D)   The requirements of this section do not apply to live trees, live shrubbery or cultivated flowers and garden crops.
   (E)   Exception: where, in the opinion of the Code Official or the inspecting official, conditions exist (topography, accessibility and the like) which would make it unreasonable or unnecessary to meet the standards of this chapter, the minimum standards may be adjusted provided that the spirit and intent of this chapter is maintained.
(Prior Code, § 18-A-04-03)