Rules and regulations shall apply to the cemetery operation as follows.
   (A)   Only one adult body shall be permitted in a single interment adult grave except in the case of a mother and her infant in which case special permission must be obtained from the Superintendent. Up to six cremains containers shall be permitted in an adult grave and each cremains shall be buried in a cremains vault and marked with a ground level marker. The first two cremains vaults will be placed at the head of the plot, with subsequent vaults proceeding to the foot. Cremains to be placed above ground shall be sealed in an all-weather vault approved by the Superintendent.
   (B)   No disinterment shall be permitted except by proper authority.
   (C)   Adult graves shall be located at least six inches within the lot boundaries and shall be dug nine feet deep for the first of a double interment in a single grave unit and five and one-half to six feet for all single interments of adults or infants. DOUBLE INTERMENT IN A SINGLE GRAVE UNIT means two individual casket burials in one grave unit; one above the other. The grade established shall be on the level with the surrounding or adjoining graves and compliance with the grade of all lots shall be as determined by the Superintendent.
   (D)   No sale, assignment or transfer of a lot shall be valid without the consent of the city, endorsed upon such sale, transfer or assignment, and entered on record by the city. The city shall have the option of repurchasing a lot offered for sale at the price then being charged for similar lots.
   (E)   No person shall place papers, decayed flowers or any rubbish on any lot, grave, roadway or cemetery ground.
   (F)   No planting of any tree, bush, shrub or plant is allowed upon grave units, lots or in alleyways. As existing plantings located on grave units, lots or in alleyways die, they shall not be replaced. Certain varieties of trees may be donated as living memorials, if approved by the Cemetery Superintendent as to location prior to planting.
   (G)   The Superintendent shall remove any unsightly tree, shrub or object in the cemetery.
   (H)   Fences, hedges, curbs and walks around or on grave units or around lots are prohibited.
   (I)   All memorials and markers placed on any grave require prior approval of the Superintendent in accordance with division (A) above.
   (J)    All persons are welcome to visit the cemetery while the gates are open. Hours during the summer shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; and during the winter shall be from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
   (K)   Floral arrangements and ornaments shall not be permitted on any grave or lot except from April 1 through October 31, and on Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter and the decedent’s birthday. Floral arrangements shall be placed in approved metal vases permanently fixed in the ground or in collapsible vases fitted flush with the ground. No glass jars or tin containers shall be permitted. Any floral arrangement shall be removed when it is wilted and no longer fresh looking. Ornaments shall not be placed so as to interfere with mowing. Ornaments shall have prior approval by the Superintendent.
   (L)   Funerals shall not be permitted on Memorial Day, Sundays or legal holidays unless special permission is obtained from the Cemetery Superintendent.
   (M)   No person shall be buried in the cemetery unless the casket is enclosed in a concrete, steel, fiberglass or equally hard material container. Said container shall have a minimum of 40 inches of soil covering.
   (N)   The city may repair any lot found to be so un-cared for as to be unsightly and shall not be liable to the lot owner for any damage done thereby unless such damage is caused by willful bad acts by the city.
   (O)   Markers and monuments.
      (1)   The cemetery will not allow the use of ledgers, grave markers, surface mausoleums or surface vaults with covers, allowing an exception only to match existing grave covers or markers already paid for.
      (2)   Grave markers must be placed on the lot to be read from the walkway.
      (3)   Foot markers set with a grave marker must be put at ground level.
      (4)   The foundations for monuments or markers may not exceed the boundaries of the owners’ legal description of the grave space or spaces.
      (5)   Vases will be allowed to be placed in front, on the side, or on the base of the monument.
      (6)   Monuments are not city property. Maintenance and vandalism are the owners’ responsibility.
      (7)   Native rock will be allowed to be used as markers; however, native rock must be the approximate size as other monuments or markers.
      (8)   The use of corner markers with the letter of the last name must be set at ground level.
      (9)   Rock or concrete walls will not be allowed to mark the boundaries of lots or grave spaces.
   (P)   Temporary markers shall be placed in concrete flush with the ground within one year from the date of burial, unless replaced with a permanent grave marker.
(Prior Code, § 7-07) (Ord. 964, passed 2- -2000; Ord. 982, passed 5- -2002; Ord. 1034, passed 6- -2006; Ord. 1177, passed 3- -2017; Ord. 1253, passed 2-5-2024)