Residential (R) zones are intended to provide a living environment that supports a place for families and individuals to live with limited adverse influence from commercial or industrial activity and to permit other accessory uses that are associated and compatible with residential use. Certain residential zones may be established that allow higher residential densities, and hence higher activity levels, but always with the goal of enjoyment of a residential environment. Residential zones are primarily applied in the areas designated Residential in the Comprehensive Plan. Permitted uses, conditionally permitted uses and lot area and building bulk and placement requirements shall comport with the standards set forth in the zoning matrix contained in this Title. A primary distinction between low density and higher density residential neighborhoods should be the ability of community infrastructure to accommodate higher levels of activity without creating undue congestion, without unduly stressing utility systems that support development and without compromising the quality of public facilities available to provide public service. (Ord. 232, 4-14-2010)