(A)   All deeds to lots in the public cemeteries of the city in order to be effectual must be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk and no lot shall be sold and conveyed unless the price thereof has been paid in advance.
   (B)   No person, to whom a lot or lots in the public cemeteries of the city are conveyed, shall sell, transfer, assign or give away any lot without first giving written notice to and receiving approval of the city at the time of the sale, transfer, assignment or gift.
   (C)   No sale, transfer, assignment or gift of any lot in the public cemeteries of the city made by any person without first giving written notice to the Public Works Department and receiving approval of the sale, transfer, assignment or gift shall be effective to transfer the title to the lot and in such case the title to the lot or lots in the public cemeteries of the city shall revert to the city.
   (D)   This regulation shall be binding on the heirs, assigns and successors of any person purchasing or receiving title to lots in the public cemeteries of the city in any manner, except that title may be established by the proper heir of one having a valid record title by an affidavit or descent. The regulations provided herein shall be incorporated in each deed of conveyance of any lot or lots in the public cemeteries of the city as a covenant thereof.
(Ord. 131, passed 8-18-1959) Penalty, see § 10.99